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Pandora's Box BD
Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Actors
Silent Era People
People active in the silent era and people who keep the silent era alive.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.




Jack Yutaka Abbe
Art Acord
Chauncey Adams
Fay Adams
Robert Agnew
Spottiswoode Aitken
Ben Alexander
Frank Alexander
Sam Allen
Don Alvarado
Cap Anderson
Gilbert M. Anderson
Bert Apling
Roscoe Arbuckle
Richard Arlen
George Arliss
George K. Arthur
Max Asher
Charles Ashton
Nils Asther
Jimmy Aubrey
Albert Austin
Harold Austin
William Austin
William Norton Bailey
Snowy Baker
George Bancroft
Monty Banks
George Barnes
T. Roy Barnes
George Barraud
Nigel Barrie
Henry A. Barrows
James O. Barrows
Eddie Barry
Elmo A. Barry
Wesley Barry
John Barrymore
Lionel Barrymore
Richard Barthelmess
Charles Barton
Leon Bary
Les Bates
Raymond E. Batten
Warner Baxter
Frank Beal
Leon Beaumont
William Beaumont
George Beban
Fred Becker
Noah Beery
Noah Beery Jr.
Wallace Beery
Joseph Bell
Lionel Belmore
Brooks Benedict
Kingsley Benedict
Harry Benham
Charles Bennett
Frank Bennett
Joe Bennett
Richard Bennett
André Beranger
Henri Bergman
Henry Bergman
George Berrell
Mathew Betz
Captain Bingham
Carlyle Blackwell
Carlyle Blackwell
Billy Bletcher
B.F. Blinn
Monte Blue
Stanley Blystone
Eddie Boland
Joe Bonomo
Eugene Borden
Edward W. Borman
Hobart Bosworth
Wade Boteler
Roland Bottomley
John Bowers
William Boyd
Sidney Bracy
Edward J. Brady
Frank Braidwood
Carl Brisson
Robert Brower
Frank Brownlee
Burton Bruce
John Bunny
Edward Burns
Francis X. Bushman
David Butler
Lawson Butt
Robert Cain
Orville Caldwell
Captain Calvert
Tom Cameron
Eric Campbell
Frank Campeau
Charles Canfield
Yakima Canutt
Henry Carvil
Arthur Edmund Carewe
Harry Carey
Mario Carillo
William Carroll
Alan Cavan
Glen Cavender
Edward Cecil
Riley Chamberlin
Cyril Chadwick
Lon Chaney
Charles Chaplin
Sydney Chaplin
Charley Chase
Colin Chase
Andy Clark
Harvey Clark
Westcott B. Clarke
Robert Clary
Edward Clayton
Gilbert Clayton
Gordon Clifford
William Clifford
H.N. Clugston
Edmund Cobb
Lew Cody
Frank Coffyn
William Collier Jr.
Dana Collins
Ronald Colman
William Colvin
Chester Conklin
Heinie Conklin
William Conklin
Jackie Coogan
Jack Cook
Hallam Cooley
Claude Cooper
Gary Cooper
George Cooper
Jim Corey
Gino Corrado
D’Arcy Corrigan
Emmett Corrigan
Bruce Covington
Z. Wall Covington
Lynn Cowan
Jules Cowles
Edward Coxen
Ward Crane
Dan Crimmins
Charlie Crockett
Charles Cruz
Arthur Cunningham
Mr. D’Algy
Karl Dane
Michael Dark
Jacques D’Auray
Max Davidson
William B. Davidson
Kenyon Davies
Edwards Davis
Lewis Dayton
Ashton Dearholt
Sayre Dearing
Nigel de Brulier
Carter De Haven
Sam De Grasse
Philippe de Lacy
Charles E. Delany
Ellwood J. Dell
William Demarest
Malcolm Denny
Reginald Denny
Harry Depp
William Desmond
Albert de Winton
Elliott Dexter
Edward Dillon
John T. Dillon
John Webb Dillon
Richard Dix
Jack Donovan
Byron Douglas
Wheeler Dryden
David A. Dunbar
Bobby Dunn
Dave Durand
Dave Dyas
Edward Earle
Robert Edeson
Neely Edwards
Snitz Edwards
Robert Ellis
Walter Emerson
Knute Erickson
Alphonse Ethier
William Eugene
Douglas Fairbanks
Douglas Fairbanks Jr.
Julius Falkenstein
James Farley
Dustin Farnum
William Farnum
Charles Farrell
John B. Farrell
George Fawcett
Adolph Faylauer
Leslie Fenton
Casson Ferguson
Rockliffe Fellows
W.C. Fields
James Finlayson
Ned Finley
George Fisher
Lucio Flamma
Oliver Follanshee
Charles Force
Francis Ford
Harrison Ford
Phil Ford
Allan Forrest
Ross Forrester
Edmond Fortune
Johnny Fox
Earle Foxe
Charley Foy
Eddie Foy
Eddie Foy Jr.
Irving L. Foy
Richard Foy
Alec B. Francis
Olin Francis
Rupert Franklin
Robert Frazer
William Fredericks
Charles K. French
Donald Gallaher
Tom Gallery
Maine ‘Bud’ Geary
Clarence Geldert
Pierre Gendron
Alan George
Charles Gerrard
Douglas Gerrard
Sumner Getchell
Jack Giddings
Hoot Gibson
Kenneth Gibson
John Gilbert
Claude Gillingwater
Joseph W. Girard
Gaston Glass
J. Frank Glendon
Derek Glynne
Harold Goodwin
Bruce Gordon
Harris Gordon
Huntley Gordon
Robert Gordon
Orin Gorine
Gibson Gowland
Georgie Grandee
Bertram Grassby
Robert J. Graves
Lawrence Gray
Kenneth Green
Eddie Gribbon
Harry Gribbon
Carlton Griffin
Ray Griffith
George Hackathorne
Raymond Hackett
Frank Hagney
William Haines
Alan Hale
Creighton Hale
Ben Hall
Charlie Hall
Winter Hall
Ray Hallor
Lloyd Hamilton
Mark Hamilton
Neil Hamilton
Clarence Handyside
Oliver Hardy
Kenneth Harlan
Otis Harlan
Pat Harmon
Jimmie Harrison
John Harron
Robert Harron
Neal Hart
William S. Hart
Lew Harvey
D.R.O. Hatswell
Charles Hatton
Raymond Hatton
Will Jim Hatton
Sessue Hayakawa
Frank Hayes
Edward Hearn
Henry J. Hebert
Stanton Heck
Ben Hendricks Jr.
Jack Henry
Holmes Herbert
Jean Hersholt
George Hickman Jr.
Walter Hiers
Ernest Hilliard
Hayford Hobbs
Otto F. Hoffman
Stuart Holmes
Taylor Holmes
Edward Everett Horton
Harold Howard
Raymond Howard
Reed Howes
Jack Hoxie
Danny Hoy
Allan Hughes
Gareth Hughes
Lloyd Hughes
Arthur Stewart Hull
Glenn Hunter
Rex Ingram
Robin Irvine
George Irving
William J. Irving
Gardner James
Emil Jannings
Viktor Janson
Tom Jefferson
Noble Johnson
Raymond Johnson
Buck Jones
Sôjin Kamiyama
Boris Karloff
Roscoe Karns
Buster Keaton
Frank Keenan
Donald Keith
William J. Kelly
Edgar Kennedy
Colin Kenny
Crauford Kent
J. Warren Kerrigan
Joseph Kilgour
Charles King
Charles King
Emmett King
Eugene H. Klum
Fritz Kortner
Theodore Kosloff
Freddric Ko Vert
George Kuwa
H.L. Kyle
Jerome La Gassé
B. Wayne Lamont
Cullen Landis
Harry Langdon
George Larkin
Ed La Niece
Rod La Rocque
Stan Laurel
William E. Lawrence
Rex Lease
Otto Lederer
Mervyn LeRoy
Edward LeSaint
George Lewis
Mitchell Lewis
Ralph Lewis
Sheldon Lewis
Harry Liedtke
Al Lincoln
Elmo Lincoln
Max Linder
Lucien Littlefield
Harold Lloyd
Harold Lockwood
King Lockwood
Tom London
Walter Long
Theodore Lorch
Willard Louis
Raymond Lowney
Wilfred Lucas
Bela Lugosi
Ben Lyon
Eddie Lyons
Harry Agar Lyons
Lux MacBride
Marc MacDermott
Edward MacDonald
J. Farrell MacDonald
Wallace MacDonald
Fred Mace
Charles W. Mack
Willard Mack
J. Gratton MacMahon
George Magrill
Charles Hill Mailes
Lido Manetti
Hank Mann
Joseph Manning
James Marcus
George Marion
Willis Marks
Percy Marmont
Boyd Marshall
Tully Marshall
Ed Martindel
Dan Mason
James Mason
LeRoy Mason
Reginald Mason
Otto Matiesen
Ernest Maupain
Eric Mayne
Frank Mayo
Billie McCoy
Harry McCoy
Philo McCullough
Ralph McCullough
George McDaniel
Francis McDonald
Jack McDonald
Nelson McDowell
James McElhern
Malcolm McGregor
Charlie McHugh
Raymond McKee
Victor McLaglen
Thomas Meighan
Adolphe Menjou
Charles Meredith
George Meredith
Sherwood Mertz
Earl Metcalf
Jerry Miley
John Miljan
Bota Miller
Carl Miller
Walter Miller
Walter Miller
Walter Miller
W. Chrystie Miller
Tom Mix
William V. Mong
Bull Montana
Billy Moon
Matt Moore
Owen Moore
Pat Moore
Tom Moore
Lee Moran
Percy Moran
Naldo Morelli
Antonio Moreno
Harry T. Morey
Frank Morgan
Dave Morris
James Morrison
Ivan Mosjoukine
Jack Mower
Jack Mulhall
Byron Munson
Charles Murray
John T. Murray
Harry Myers
Conrad Nagel
Owen Nares
George Nicholls
James Neill
Richard R. Neill
Edward Nolan
Eille Norwood
Ramon Novarro
Wedgwood Nowell
Wheeler Oakman
Robert Ober
Eugene O’Brien
Pat J. O’Brien
Garry O’Dell
Warner Oland
Charles O’Malley
Pat O’Malley
William Otis
Eugene Pallette
Kalla Pasha
John Patrick
Lou Payne
René Pecot
Edward Peil
Charles Perley
Jack Perrin
Lincoln Perry
House Peters
Eddie Phillips
Jack Pickford
Lon Poff
Snub Pollard
Ed Porter
Charles A. Post
Victor Potel
William Powell
Tyrone Power
John T. Prince
Herbert Prior
Charles Puffy
William J. Quinn
John R. Ralesco
Robert Ramsay
Anders Randolf
Arthur Rankin
Fritz Rasp
Herbert Rawlinson
Wallace Reid
Calvin Reisland
Charles Requa
Frank Rice
John J. Richardson
Tom Ricketts
Frank A. Ridge
Billie Ritchie
Bert Roach
John Roche
Earl Rodney
Will Rogers
Jack Rollens
Alan Roscoe
Robert Rose
Elliott Roth
Craig Russell
William Russell
John Sainpolis
Eric St. Clair
Al St. John
Tiny Sandford
Tom Santschi
Louis Sargent
Templar Saxe
Earl Schenck
Harry Schumm
Randolph Scott
William Scott
Allan Sears
Rolfe Sedan
Henry Sedley
Charles A. Sellen
Larry Semon
Brinsley Shaw
James Sheridan
George Sherwood
Hassard Short
Lee Shumway
Bernard Siegel
George Siegmann
Milton Sills
Russell Simpson
Philip Sleeman
Phillips Smalley
Ned Sparks
Bert Sprotte
Wyndham Standing
Forrest Stanley
Frederick Stanton
Lincoln Stedman
Larry Steers
John Steppling
Ford Sterling
Charles Stevenson
Hayden Stevenson
Roy Stewart
Carl Stockdale
Lewis S. Stone
Billy Sullivan
Benny Suslow
Mack Swain
Bill Sykes
Richard Talmadge
Conway Tearle
Lou Tellegen
Nick Thompson
Fred Thomson
Dick Thorpe
Charles Thurston
Edwin Booth Tilton
A. Tollaire
David Torrence
Ernest Torrence
Wayland Trask
Richard Travers
Henri Trumbull
Harland Tucker
Richard Tucker
William H. Turner
Ben Turpin
Gunnar Unger
Albert Valentino
Rudolph Valentino
C.K. Van Auker
Conrad Veidt
Alexander Veliki
Jackie Vernon
Theodore von Eltz
George Waggner
Malcolm Waite
Johnnie Walker
Will Walling
George Walsh
Jack Walters
Henry B. Walthall
W. Bradley Ward
H.B. Warner
E. Alyn Warren
Robert Warwick
Bryant Washburn
John Wayne
Richard Wayne
Paul Wegener
Paul Weigel
Niles Welch
Fred Weller
Billy West
Frank Wheaton
Bert Wheeler
Glen White
Leo White
Gayne Whitman
Frank Whitson
Earle Williams
George B. Williams
Leo Willis
Ben Wilson
Hal Wilson
M.K. Wilson
Tom Wilson
Charles Winninger
Freeman Wood
Bert Woodruff
Jack Woods
Guy Woodward
Henry Woodward
Robert Woolsey
Herbert Yost
Noah Young
Tammany Young
Edward Zabors
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