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Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Actors  >  Charley Foy
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Charley Foy

Born 12 June 1898 in New York, New York, USA, as Charles Richard Fitzgerald.
Died 22 August 1984 in Los Angeles, California, USA.

Son of Eddie Foy and Madeline Morando. Brother of director Bryan Foy, entertainer Mary Foy, entertainer Madeline Foy, entertainer Eddie Foy Jr., entertainer Richard Foy, and entertainer Irving L. Foy.

Married Grace Hayes, 19 June 1929; divorced, 21 February 1934;
son, actor and writer Peter Lind Hayes, born 25 June 1915.
Married Sarah (Sugar) Demers King, 1954.

Charley Foy was a member of the famous vaudeville family act, The Seven Little Foys. Charley can be seen today in the Vitaphone short, The Foy Family in “Chips of the Old Block” (1928).

References: Website-IMDb.

Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Actors  >  Charley Foy
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