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Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Actors  >  Max Linder
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Photograph: Silent Era image collection.

Max Linder

Born 16 December 1883 in Saint-Loubès, Gironde, France, as Gabriel Maximilien Leuvielle.
Died 31 October 1925 in Paris, France, by suicide from veronal overdose.

Married Jeanne Peters (also listed as Helene Peters), 2 August 1923; until their death, 31 October 1925;
daughter, assistant director Maud Linder, born 27 June 1924.

Max Linder began his film career in 1905 after years as a stage actor. Linder starred in and directed more than 100 films, before coming to the United States to make films. After three feature films, Linder returned to France and more film work. In 1925, in declining health and rising depression, Linder committed suicide in a death pact with his recent wife of two years.

References: ClasIm-220 pp. C2, C4, 59 : Website-IMDb.

Silent era Max Linder films available on home video
Book : The Rise & Fall of Max Linder: The First Cinema Celebrity by Lisa Stein Haven
Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Actors  >  Max Linder
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