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Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Actors  >  Sôjin Kamiyama
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Photograph by Albert Walter Witzel:
Silent Era image collection.

Sôjin Kamiyama
(same as Sojin)

Born 30 January 1884 in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, as Mitsugu Mita.
Died 28 July 1954 in Tokyo, Japan.

Married Ura Mita; son, Edward Kamiyama, born circa 1909.

Sojin Kamiyama emigrated to the United States of America, where he appeared in a number of character roles in motion pictures produced in Southern California. His most-familiar film performance is as the Mongol prince in The Thief of Bagdad (1924). Often playing heavy roles, Sojin’s stylish performances have made him a favorite performer among silent film enthusiasts.

Shortly before he died, Sojin Kamiyama appeared in Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai (1954) as the blind minstrel.

References: Website-IMDb.

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