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Presumed Lost
Silent era films that are thought to be gone forever.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.
Updated 4 February 2025

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Lost Films W

This list is far from complete. Please report other films that are presumed to be lost.
Or report films that have survived and need to be taken off this list.
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Titles in capital letters indicate films of extra significance.

Wages for Wives (1925)
The Wages of Sin (1928)
The Wagon Show (1928)
The Wall Flower (1922)
Wampiry Warszawy (1925)
Wandering Daughters (1923)
Wanted — A Home (1916)
Wanted — A Husband (1919)
Wanted, a Mother (1918)
Wanted at Headquarters (1920)
WANTED — $5000 (1919)
The Wanters (1923)
War Brides (1916)
The War Bride’s Secret (1916)
The War Horse (1927)
Warming Up (1928)
The Warning (1927)
The War of the Tongs (1917)
War Paint (1926)
The Warrens of Virginia (1924)
Warrior Gap (1925)
Washington at Valley Forge (1914)
Washington, D.C. (1923)
Was it Bigamy? (1925)
Wasted Lives (1923)
Waterfront Wolves (1924)
The Water Hole (1923)
The Way of a Man (1924)
The Way of the Strong (1919)
The Way of the World (1916)
The Weaker Vessel (1919)
Wealth (1921)
We Americans (1928)
The Web of Chance (1919)
The Web of the Law (1923)
Wedding Bills (1927)
Wedlock (1918)
Week End Husbands (1924)
Wee Lady Betty (1917)
Welcome Stranger (1924)
We Moderns (1925)
We’re All Gamblers (1927)
The Werewolf (1913)
Westbound (1924)
A Western Adventurer (1921)
A Western Demon (1922)
A Western Engagement (1925)
The Westerners (1919)
Western Feuds (1924)
Western Justice (1923)
Western Luck (1924)
Western Pluck (1926)
The Western Rover (1927)
Western Vengeance (1924)
The Western Wallop (1924)
The Western Whirlwind (1927)
Western Yesterdays (1924)
West is West (1920)
West of Chicago (1922)
West of the Pecos (1922)
West of the Water Tower (1923)
West vs. East (1922)
Wet Paint (1926)
The Wharf Rat (1916)
What Am I Bid? (1919)
What a Night (1928)
Whatever She Wants (1921)
What Every Girl Should Know (1927)
What Every Woman Knows (1921)
What Every Woman Learns (1919)
What Fools Men (1925)
What Fools Men Are (1922)
What Happened to Father (1915)
What Happened to Father (1927)
What Love Can Do (1916)
What Next? (1928)
What Price Beauty? (1925)
What’s Wrong with the Women? (1922)
What Wives Want (1923)
What Women Love (1920)
The Wheel (1925)
The Wheel of Chance (1928)
The Wheels of Justice (1915)
When a Girl Loves (1919)
When a Man Rides Alone (1919)
When a Man Sees Red (1917)
When Arizona Won (1919)
When a Woman Loves (1915)
When a Woman Sins (1918)
When Broadway Was a Trail (1914)
When Husbands Deceive (1922)
When Love Comes (1922)
When Love Grows Cold (1926)
When Men Are Tempted (1917)
When Men Betray (1918)
When Men Betray (1929)
When Men Desire (1919)
When Romance Rides (1922)
When the Desert Calls (1922)
When the Devil Drives (1922)
When the Door Opened (1925)
When the Gods Played a Badger Game (1915)
When the Law Rides (1928)
When We Were Twenty-One (1915)
When We Were Twenty-One (1921)
When Women Vote (1907)
Where is My Wandering Boy Tonight? (1922)
Where is This West? (1923)
Where Men Are Men (1921)
Where Romance Rides (1925)
Where the Pavement Ends (1923)
Where the Trail Divides (1914)
Which Woman? (1918)
While Justice Waits (1922)
While London Sleeps (1926)
While Satan Sleeps (1922)
While the Billy Boils (1921)
While the Devil Laughs (1921)
The Whirlpool (1918)
The Whirlpool of Destiny (1916)
The Whirlwind (1920)
The Whispered Name (1924)
Whispering Devils (1920)
Whispering Smith (1916)
Whispering Smith Rides (1927)
Whispering Winds (1929)
Whistling Jim (1925)
The White Black Sheep (1926)
The White Circle (1920)
The White Eagle (1922)
White Fang (1925)
The White Feather (1913)
White Flannels (1927)
The White Flower (1923)
The White Heather (1919)
White Hell (1922)
The White Horseman (1921)
The White Lie (1918)
White Man (1924)
A White Man’s Chance (1919)
The White Moll (1920)
The White Panther (1924)
White Pants Willie (1927)
The White Pearl (1915)
The White Raven (1917)
The White Scar (1915)
White Shoulders (1922)
The White Sister (1915)
The White Squaw (1920)
The White Terror (1915)
White Thunder (1925)
White Youth (1920)
Whither Thou Goest (1917)
Who Am I? (1921)
Who Are My Parents? (1922)
Who Goes There! (1917)
Who is Guilty? (1915)
Who is Number One? (1917)
Who is to Blame? (1918)
Whom the Gods Destroy (1916)
Whom the Gods Would Destroy (1919)
Who’s Your Servant? (1915)
Who Was the Other Man? (1917)
Who Will Marry Mary? (1913)
Who Will Marry Me? (1919)
Why America Will Win (1918)
Why Girls Go Back Home (1926)
Why Girls Leave Home (1921)
Why Leave Home? (1929)
Why Smith Left Home (1919)
Why the Wedding Was Put Off (1907)
Why Women Love (1925)
Wickedness Preferred (1928)
A Wide-Open Town (1922)
Widow by Proxy (1919)
The Widow Malone (1917)
THE WIFE (1911)
The Wife He Bought (1918)
A Wife on Trial (1917)
Wife or Country (1918)
Wife Savers (1928)
A Wife’s Romance (1923)
The Wife Who Wasn’t Wanted (1925)
Wild Blood (1929)
The Wild Bull’s Lair (1925)
Wildcat Jordan (1922)
The Wildcat of Paris (1918)
The Wilderness Trail (1919)
Wildflower (1914)
Wild Geese (1927)
The Wild Girl (1925)
The Wild Girl of the Sierras (1916)
The Wild Goose Chase (1919)
Wild Honey (1922)
Wild Justice (1925)
Wildness of Youth (1922)
Wild Oats Lane (1926)
The Wild Party (1923)
The Wild Strain (1917)
Wild Sumac (1917)
Wild West (1925)
The Wild West Show (1928)
Wild, Wild Susan (1925)
Wild Winship’s Widow (1917)
Wild Youth (1918)
The Will o’ the Wisp (1914)
Will You Marry Me? (1911)
The Winding Stair (1925)
WINE (1924)
The Wine Girl (1918)
The Winged Horseman (1929)
The Winged Idol (1915)
The Winged Mystery (1917)
Wings of the Morning (1919)
Wings of Youth (1925)
Wing Toy (1921)
The Winking Idol (1926)
Winners of the West (1921-1922)
Winner Takes All (1918)
Winning of the West (1922)
The Winning Wallop (1926)
Win That Girl (1928)
The Wise Kid (1922)
The Wise Virgin (1924)
The Wise Wife (1927)
With Hoops of Steel (1918)
Within the Cup (1918)
Without Compromise (1922)
With Stanley in Africa (1922)
With Wings Outspread (1922)
Wives and Other Wives (1918)
Wives at Auction (1926)
The Wives of the Prophet (1926)
The Wizard (1927)
The Wolf (1914)
The Wolf and His Mate (1918)
Wolfe; or, The Conquest of Quebec (1914)
The Wolf Hunters (1926)
Wolf Law (1922)
The Wolf Man (1915)
The Wolf Man (1924)
Wolf’s Clothing (1922)
The Wolf’s Fangs (1922)
The Wolf Woman (1916)
The Wolverine (1921)
Wolves of the City (1929)
Wolves of the Desert (1926)
Wolves of the Night (1919)
Wolves of the North (1924)
Wolves of the Road (1925)
A Woman Against the World (1928)
The Woman and the Law (1918)
The Woman Conquers (1922)
The Woman from Hell (1929)
The Woman from Moscow (1928)
The Woman He Loved (1922)
Womanhood, the Glory of the Nation (1917)
The Woman in Chains (1923)
The Woman in His House (1920)
The Woman in Politics (1916)
The Woman in Room 13 (1920)
A Woman in the Web (1918)
The Woman of Bronze (1921)
A Woman of Impulse (1918)
A Woman of Pleasure (1919)
A Woman of Redemption (1918)
The Woman on the Jury (1924)
The Woman Pays (1915)
Woman-Proof (1923)
A Woman’s Heart (1926)
A Woman’s Honor (1916)
Woman’s Man (1920)
A Woman’s Past (1915)
Woman’s Place (1921)
A Woman’s Resurrection (1915)
The Woman’s Side (1922)
A Woman’s Way (1928)
Woman’s Wit (1916)
A Woman’s Woman (1922)
A Woman There Was (1919)
The Woman Under Cover (1919)
The Woman Who Lied (1915)
A Woman Who Understood (1920)
Woman Wise (1928)
The Woman with Four Faces (1923)
Women First (1924)
Women They Talk About (1928)
The Wonderful Adventure (1915)
The Wonder Man (1920)
Wonder of Women (1929)
The Wood Nymph (1916)
The World Against Him (1916)
The World and His Wife (1920)
The World at Her Feet (1927)
The World for Sale (1918)
Worldly Goods (1924)
Worlds Apart (1923)
The World’s Applause (1923)
World Series Games 1916, Boston vs. Brooklyn (1916)
Would You Forgive? (1920)
The Wreck of the Hesperus (1927)
The Wright Idea (1928)
The Wrong Door (1916)
The Wrong Mr. Wright (1927)
The Wrong Poison (1903)
Wyoming (1928)
Wyoming Tornado (1929)

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Silent Era Home Page  >  Presumed Lost  >  Lost Films W
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King of Kings BD

Four Horsemen BD

Woman of Paris BD

Merry-Go-Round BD

Behind the Door BD

Oscar Micheaux Collection BD

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Charley Chase 1927 BD

Capra at Columbia UHD/BD

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L&H Year 2 BD

Caligari UHD

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