A collection of news and information pertaining to silent era films.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.
Contact Information for
the Silent Era website
In an attempt to diminish the amount of spam email that we receive, we are removing automatic email links to Silent Era email accounts. We have for years (as have many others) been the target of email address harvesting Internet bots that look for addresses on websites and add them to spammers’ databases.
This page will be our readers’ contact point with the Silent Era website. We will randomly close down compromised email accounts and create replacements that will only be listed here. The addresses themselves will have to be entered into your email client program manually to send an email to us. We also recommend that you not put these addresses into your email address books, since they are likely to change without notice. Instead, navigate to this page and enter the appropriate address to send an email to Silent Era. Common Internet sense will tell you not to type the addresses as listed below. Interpret them by removing spaces and use the ‘at’ symbol in the addresses you enter into your email program.
We still welcome your inquiries. We do not welcome spam email.
Feel free to contact us via email with questions you may have regarding silent films, the Silent Era website, advertising, or other issues.
Editorial questions, corrections, press releases, general issues, broken links, etcetera:
Carl Bennett, editor and publisher
to.the.editor [ at ] silentera.com
Please note: All e-mail addressees associated with this website are located in the State of Washington, and sending mail to these e-mail addresses is subject to the provisions of the Revised Code of Washington.