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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Whom the Gods Destroy
(1916) United States of America
B&W : Five reels
Directed by William P.S. Earle

Cast: Alice Joyce [Mary ‘Mar’ O’Neil], Harry T. Morey [Leslie St. George Leigh], Marc MacDermott (Marc McDermott) [Sir Denis Esmond], Logan Paul [O’Neil], Charles Kent [Father McCarthy], Thomas R. Mills [The King of England], Mary Maurice [Lady Esmond], Mr. Siegel [?] (Bernard Siegel)? [Carl]

The Vitagraph Company of America production; distributed by Greater Vitagraph, Incorporated [A Blue Ribbon Feature]. / Scenario by Cyrus Townsend Brady and J. Stuart Blackton. Assistant director, William P.S. Earle. Cinematography by Clark R. Nickerson. Film editor, Paul E. Maschke. / © 6 December 1916 by The Vitagraph Company of America [LP9672]. Released 18 December 1916. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? The ominous call of war gives the Irish rebels an opportunity to prepare to strike for their freedom. One of the most diligent leaders is Sir Denis Esmond, who is prepared to lead the insurgents against England. Leslie St. George Leigh, a close friend of Esmond’s, and a true patriot of England, loses his eyesight while doing his duty in the North Sea. Mary O’Neil, a lovable little Irish lass, is loved by both Leigh and Esmond, and not realizing the cost, she is heart and soul in the insurgents’ cause and refuses to give either her answer until Ireland shall be free. Thinking to allay suspicion, she allows Leigh to come to Castle O’Neil while convalescing. When an English officer comes to the castle, Leigh gives his word of honor that Esmond has not been there, for he does not know that: he has returned from Germany. Later the insurgents come in a body to the Castle for Esmond. Leigh speaks to Esmond until he is made to realize the cost, then addresses the rebels, after getting Mary to give him, as he thinks, the English flag, but in reality she gives him the old Irish flag, fearing for his safety. He learns his mistake and signals to an English warship in the harbor for help. One of the insurgents learns of his trick and is about to assault him when Esmond intervenes and orders them to disperse. The soldiers arrive and the mob is dispersed after a struggle in which many are killed. Mary, coming from the Castle, learns the high cost which must be paid for rebellion when she sees the road scattered with wives and mothers crying over their soldier husbands who have fallen in the cause. Esmond is captured by the soldiers and tried as a traitor. After a time he is sentenced to be hanged. Mary clings to his broken-hearted mother through the trouble, and with Leigh’s aid they try to obtain a pardon for him. In vain they make their appeals and at last the despairing mother forces her way into the King’s presence, Mary following fearfully. Here again her plea is ignored and it is not until General Ramsey, a close friend, intervenes, that the pardon is granted and Esmond allowed to go free. Leigh, realizing that Esmond is now free and that his own affliction would make it impossible for him to ask Mary’s hand in marriage, does his utmost to arrange the engagement, but he fails. Later he is given the Victoria Cross for his bravery and dutiful service to his country, but his final reward comes when Mary’s love refuses to recognize his blindness and they are pledged to marry. The unselfish friendship of the men and their common love for the sweet Irish girl has made all things possible, and once more they stand together, stronger allied than before.

Survival status: The film is presumed lost.

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 28 November 2023.

References: Slide-Ireland p. ? : Website-AFI; Website-ASFFDb; Website-IMDb.

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