Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
Les trois mousquetaires
Also known as The Three Musketeers in the USA
(1921) France
B&W : Serial / 14 chapters
Directed by Henri Diamant-Berger
Cast: Blanche Montel, Aimé Simon-Girard [D’Artagnan], Henri Rollan [Athos], Charles Martinelli [Porthos], Pierre de Guingand [Aramis], Pierrette Madd [Madame Bonacieux], Jean Joffre [Monsieur Bonacieux], Jeanne Descios (Jeanne Desclos) [Le Reine Anne d’Autriche], Édouard de Max [Cardinal Richelieu], Claude Mérelle [Milady de Winter], Henri Baudin [Rochefort], Charles Dullin [le père Joseph], Maxime Desjardins [Tréville], Armand Bernard [Planchet], Pré Fils (Louis Pré fils) [Grimaud], Antoine Stacquet [Bazin], Marcel Vallée [Mousqueton], Germaine Larbaudière (Germaine Larbaudrière) [la duchesse de Chevreuse], Gaston Jacquet [de Winter], Blanche Altem [Doña Estefana], Mrs. Joffre [la supérieure], Georgette Sorelle [la soeur tourière], Paul Hubert [Falton], Max Charlier [D’Artagnan père], Talmont [Giovanni], Major Hietner [L’orfèvre], Harryso [le bourreau (el verdugo)], Albert Préjean [un garde de cardinal], Bureau ([?] ? Bureau) [de Wardes], [?] Michel Floresco? [monsieur, frère du Roi; a courtisan; homme du peuple; un mousquetaire; and un garde de Richelieu]
Films Diamant production; distributed by [?] La Compagnie Universelle Cinématographique and/or Pathé Consortium Cinéma and/or Pathé Frères? / Scenario by Auguste Maquet, from the novel Les trois mousquetaires by Alexandre Dumas (père). Production design by Robert Mallet-Stevens. Set decoration by Robert Mallet-Stevens. Costume design by Robert Mallet-Stevens. Unit manager, Joffre ([?] ? Joffre). Assistant director, Henri Andréani. Cinematography by Maurice Desfassiaux. / 14 chapters [?] (two reels each)?: [1] “Les ferrets de la reine”; [2] “Les mousquetaires de M. de Treville.” / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. Color-tinted. / Original sequences with color by the Max Handschiegl hand color engraving process. The film was released on 4 February 1922 in Finland. A sequel was directed by Diamant-Berger, released in the USA as Milady (1923).
Drama: Historical.
Survival status: Prints exist [35mm restoration positives].
Current rights holder: (unknown) [France]; Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Authors: Alexandre Dumas - Cardinals - Weapons: Swords
Listing updated: 7 September 2023.
References: Bardèche-History pp. 148-149 : Website-IMDb.
Home video: DVD.