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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  The Power of Love (1922)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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The Power of Love
(1922) United States of America
B&W : Five reels / 4600 feet
Directed by Nat Deverich (Nat G. Deverich)

Cast: Elliott Sparling [Terry O’Neil], Barbara Bedford [Maria Almeda], Noah Beery [Don Almeda], Aileen Manning [Ysabel Almeda], Albert Prisco [Don Alvarez], John Herdman [the old padre]

Perfect Pictures production. / Cinematography by Harry K. Fairhall. / Premiered 27 September 1922 at the Ambassador Hotel Theatre in Los Angeles, California. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. Fairhall-Elder dual-strip anaglyphic stereoscopic process. / The production was shot in Hollywood, California. The film utilized and may have been the only commercial film produced in the dual-camera, dual-projector system developed by Harry K. Fairhall and Robert F. Elder. A reedited, nonstereoscopic version of the film was released as Forbidden Lover (1923).


Synopsis: [The Moving Picture World, 21 October 1922, page 704] Because of financial reverses Don Almeda offers his daughter, Maria, to Don Alvarez, though she does not love him. Terry O’Neill arrives at the Southern California settlement in which the Almedas live, and is slightly wounded when Alvarez’s henchmen seek to rob him. He is found by Maria, to whom he loses his heart. Just before the wedding, O’Neill waylays Alvarez . . . and takes his place at a fiesta. Alvarez appears and denounces him. Later, Alvarez . . . slays the padre with O’Neill’s knife. Denouncing O’Neill as the murderer, Alvarez tries to shoot him, but wounds Maria, who throws herself in front of him. Later, she succeeds in proving that Alvarez is the thief and murderer, and everything ends happily for Maria and O’Neill.

Survival status: The film is presumed lost.

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Crime: Murder, Robberies - Death: Murder - Stereoscopic films - 3D film - USA: California

Listing updated: 16 October 2011.

References: Hayes-3D p. 6 : Website-AFI.

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