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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Moscou sous la neige (1908)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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  Frame enlargement: Silent Era image collection.
Moscou sous la neige
Also known as Moscow Clad in Snow in the USA
(1908) France
B&W : Short film
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: (unknown)

Compagnie Genérale des Établissements Pathé Frères Phonographes & Cinématographes production; distributed by Compagnie Genérale des Établissements Pathé Frères Phonographes & Cinématographes. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in the USA as Moscow Clad in Snow on 9 April 1909; in a split-reel with Contemptible Theft (1909).

Documentary: Actuality.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? This is another one of our famous scenic films which is a revelation of the beauties of the historic Russian city, showing it clad in a blanket of snow and giving us a good view of the many points of interest in and about the place. We get a good view of the famous old Kremlin from different angles, then a view of the city taken from one of the high towers. Next we see Petrovsky Park and some of the main thoroughfares during a heavy blizzard in which the inhabitants go about well muffled up and seemingly undaunted by the severe cold atmosphere.

Survival status: Print exists.

Current rights holder: (unknown) [France]; Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Russia: Moscow - Snow

Listing updated: 19 December 2023.

References: Film viewing : Website-IMDb.

Home video: DVD.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Moscou sous la neige (1908)
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