Edna Purviance.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
A Woman of Paris
Also known as L’Opinion publique (Public Opinion) in France; La donna di Parigi in Italy
(1923) United States of America
B&W : Eight reels / 7500 feet
Directed by Charles Chaplin
Cast: Edna Purviance [Marie St. Clair], Adolphe Menjou [Pierre Revel], Carl Miller [Jean Millet], Lydia Knott [his mother], Charles French (Charles K. French) [his father], Clarence Geldert [Marie’s father], Betty Morissey [Fifi, Marie’s friend], Malvina Polo [Paulette, Marie’s friend]; Karl Gutman [the orchestra conductor], Nellie Bly Baker [masseuse], Henry Bergman [maître d’hôtel], Harry Northrup [valet], Charles Chaplin [train station porter], Granville Redmond [Millet’s artist friend]
Regent Film Company production; distributed by United Artists Corporation. / Produced by Charles Chaplin. Scenario by Charles Chaplin + [Edward Sutherland and Monta Bell]. Production business manager, Alfred Reeves. Art direction by Arthur Stibolt. Technical advisors, Harry d’Abbadie d’Arrast (Henri d’Abbadie d’Arrast) and Jean de Limur. Assistant director, Edward Sutherland. Cinematography by Roland H. Totheroh and Jack Wilson. Editorial direction by Monta Bell. / © 10 October 1923 by United Artists Corporation [LP19504]. Released 1 October 1923. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Working titles: Public Opinion and Destiny. Chaplin appears briefly as a railway porter carrying a trunk. The film was rereleased in 1977 with synchronized music by Charles Chaplin and with sound effects. [?] Balio-UA p. ? lists general release on 4 November 1923.
Drama: Romance.
Survival status: Prints exist [35mm positives].
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Animals: Dogs - Artists - Artist studios - Balloons - Beds - Bullets - Butlers - Candy - Canes - Champagne - Chauffeurs - Chefs - Children - Cigarettes - Communication: Telephones - Cooking - Crowds - Death: Suicide - Engagements - Fainting - Families: Father-son relationships, Mother-son relationships - Fashion - Feather dusters - Fights - Fireplaces - Fountains - France: Paris - Fur coats - Gaslights - Gossips - Grief - Hats: Top hats - Jealousy - Keys - Kitchens - Lace - Lamps - Locks - Love triangles - Magazines - Maids - Massages - Mirrors - Money - Monocles - Mourning - Musical instruments: Acordians, Saxophones - Notes - Orphans - Parties - Pearls - Pillow fights - Pipes - Police: Policemen - Portraits - Rain - Religion: Priests - Restaurants - Rich people - Signage - Street scenes - Street lamps - Ticker tape machines - Train stations - Transportation: Automobiles - Tramps - Waiters - Weapons: Guns
Listing updated: 20 September 2014.
References: Film credits, film viewing : Balio-UA p. ?; Bardèche-History pp. 150, 201, 210a, 214, 218-222, 225, 257, 285, 287, 291, 317; Barry-Griffith p. 28; Bohn-Light pp. xxiii, 99; Brownlow-Parade pp. 267, 498-499, 502; Dardis-Keaton pp. 46, 136; Fell-History pp. viii, 97, 99; FilmYearBook-1926 p. 40; Geduld-Birth p. 138; Jacobs-Chaplin pp. 74-75, 79-81, 84, 136; Kerr-Silent pp. 252, 338; Lahue-World p. 149; Maltin-Classic p. 790; Paris-Brooks pp. 109-110, 147-148, 149; Sarris-Sternberg p. 11; Schelly-Langdon p. 11; Schuchman-Hollywood pp. 24, 24f, 25; Sherwood-Best p. xix; Sinyard-Silent pp. 106-107; Smith-Colman p. 112; Vermilye-Twenties pp. 22, 23; Weinberg-Stroheim pp. 22, 257 : ClasIm-220 pp. C6, C10 : Website-AFI.
Home video: Blu-ray Disc, DVD.