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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Violettes impériales
(Imperial Violets)
(1924) France
B&W : Feature film
Directed by Henry Roussel

Cast: Raquel Meller [Violetta], Suzanne Bianchetti [Eugénie de Montijo], André Roanne [Comte Hubert de Saint-Affremond], Jane Even (Jeanne Even) [Comtesse de Saint-Affremond], Jimmy O’Kelly [Juan], Claude France [Mademoiselle de Perry-Fronsac], Roger San Juana [Manuel], Robert Guilbert [Duc de Morny], Sylviane de Castillo [Madame de Montijo], Mademoiselle Farnèse [Duchesse de Mondovi], Daurelly [Napoléon III], Brouette (Albert Brouett) [Docteur Malavert], Girardo [José], Danielle Vigneau [petit frère de Violetta], Suzy Béryl [dame d'honneur], Marie-Louise Voisin [la marquise], Jacques Cabelli, Madame Courtois, Dartagnan (Luc Dartagnan), Pierre Delmonde, Robby Guichard, Jean-Paul Le Tarare, Marais, Paulette Marchal, Morlas (Laurent Morléas), Hietta Stella, Tourez (Georges Tourez)

Productions Henry Roussel production. / Scenario by Henry Roussel, from a screen story by Henry Roussel. Production management by Jean de Merly. Art direction by Robert Gys. Unit managers, Delmonde (Pierre Delmonde) and Thévenet (François Thévenet). Property master, Cassebois. Special effects coordination by Paul Minine and Nicolas Wilcké. Cinematography by Jules Kruger and Paul Portier. Camera assistants, Armand and Draniloff. / Released 3 February 1924. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in the United Kingdom by Butcher’s Film Service, Limited, in 1927. The film was released in the USA by Aywon Film Corporation on 18 June 1928.

Comedy: Historical.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: (unknown) [France]; Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Napoléon Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Listing updated: 19 November 2022.

References: Bardèche-History p. 149, O’Leary-Silent p. ? : ClasIm-240 p. 30 : Website-IMDb.

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