Marie Prevost, James Finlayson (center) and Ford Sterling.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
Uncle Tom
Without the Cabin
(1919) United States of America
B&W : Short film
Directed by Edward F. Cline and Ray Hunt
Cast: Ben Turpin [Uncle Tom], Chester Conklin, Marie Prevost [Eliza], Ford Sterling, Eva Thatcher, James Finlayson, Heinie Conklin [Simon Legree], Billy Bevan, Eddie Gribbon, Isabelle Keep (Isabelle Keith), Charles Lynn, Katherine McGuire (Kathryn McGuire), Charlie Murray (Charles Murray), Kalla Pasha, Gladys Whitfield, Teddy the dog
Mack Sennett Comedies production; distributed by Famous Players-Lasky Corporation through Paramount Pictures Corporation [Paramount Pictures]. / Produced by Mack Sennett. Cinematography by Fred Jackman and Perry Evans. / Released 31 August 1919. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.
Survival status: (unknown)
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Listing updated: 12 April 2015.
References: Lahue-World p. 178; Louvish-Keystone p. 324; Spehr-American p. 598 : Website-IMDb.