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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Two Little Imps
(1917) United States of America
B&W : [?] Five or Six? reels
Directed by Kenean Buel

Cast: Jane Lee [Jane], Katherine Lee [Katherine], Leslie Austen [Billy Parke], Edna Hunter [Betty Murray], Edwin Holt [William Murray], Stuart Sage [Bob Murray], Sidney D’Albrook [burglar], William Harvey [his pal]

Fox Film Corporation production; distributed by Fox Film Corporation. / Scenario by Mary Murillo. Presented by William Fox. / © 8 July 1917 by William Fox [LP11060]. Premiered 5 July 1917 at the Academy Theatre in New York, New York. Released 8 July 1917. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was originally announced for release on 15 July 1917.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Jane and Katherine are the sweetest youngsters in the world — in their mother’s eyes. The family is summering at a seaside resort when Mama is called to town for a week. Not wishing to interrupt her darlings’ good time, she summons her young bachelor brother to the hotel to look after the girls until she returns. “Billy” Parke undertakes the job. On the way to the resort he meets Betty Murray. The two are bound for the same hotel and it’s love at first sight. Billy would have enjoyed the bus ride from the station to the hotel with Betty if his nieces hadn’t entered, recognized him, and made themselves at home on his lap after being drenched when they drove an electric wheelchair into the surf. He must neglect Betty on reaching the hotel to get the youngsters dry clothing and clean them up. Soon after her arrival at the hotel Betty and her father enter the dining room at the same time Billy and Katherine appear. Katherine had previously met Mr. Murray and introduces Uncle Billy to Mr. Murray and Betty. They are talking when Jane, who had been left in her room asleep, appears in an exceedingly brief costume on the trail of something to eat. Billy grabs her and bundles her back upstairs. Jane and Katherine keep the hotel in a turmoil. Every time Billy tries to advance his suit for Betty is an opportunity for a new escapade by the youngsters. On one of her trips about the resort Katherine comes upon Bob Murray, the son of Mr. Murray, whose father cast him out for forging a check. Bob is in a bad way when Katherine finds him, and her motherly attentions awaken his deadened manliness and he promises her he’ll go straight and earn his father’s forgiveness. Meanwhile, Mr. Murray confides in Katherine his great sorrow and she asks him why he doesn’t ask his prodigal son to return, to which the elderly man replies that he would if he could find him. Katherine promises to help him. A few nights later two crooks with whom Bob was connected plan to rob the Murray apartment in the hotel. Bob, though not knowing his pals were planning to rob his father, tries to quit the job, but is finally prevailed upon to undertake it. The first thing the boy’s flashlight hits on entering the apartment is a picture of his dead mother. He refuses to go farther and telephones to the hotel desk asking for help just as one of the crooks fells him. The thieves flee from the room just as Mr. Murray enters and finds his son. They take refuge in Jane’s room. Recognizing the men as crooks she slips from bed and hides in a bureau drawer. Uncle Billy enters, grapples with the men and is being overcome when Jane hits one of the robbers on the head with an iron. Billy soon quiets the other. The racket attracts Mr. Murray and hotel attendants, who arrest the crooks. After the excitement subsides Mr. Murray embraces his son and restores him to his estate. Billy and Betty withdraw and decide there is no blessedness in being single, and Jane and Katherine watch with mingled pleasure and surprise the outcome of the events in which they were small but important factors.

Synopsis: Synopsis available in AFI-F1 n. F1.4609.

Survival status: The film is presumed lost.

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 7 September 2023.

References: AFI-F1 n. F1.4609 : Website-AFI; Website-ASFFDb; Website-IMDb.

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