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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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They Loved Him So
(1915) United States of America
B&W : Short film
Directed by C. Jay Williams (C.J. Williams)

Cast: Flora Finch [Miss Prism, an artist], Kate Price [Mrs. McCarty], Jay Dwiggins [Mike McCarty, a longshoreman]

The Vitagraph Company of America production; distributed by [?] V-L-S-E, Incorporated or The General Film Company, Incorporated? / Released 9 April 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? To secure a living model for her painting of “Samson,” Miss Prism, an eccentric old maid artist, advertises for one, and among those who apply is a brawny longshoreman, Mike McCarty. He proves to be Miss Prism’s ideal model and she engages him at once. Mike’s wife is quite proud on learning that he has been picked to pose for the model, but he tells Miss Prism nothing of his wife or family. As the painting progresses, Miss Prism and two of her maiden lady friends conceive a romantic attachment for the burly fellow and after much hero worship, the ladies one day send him home with flowers in his buttonhole. Mrs. McCarty sees these, also some traces of face powder on his sleeve, and after seeing a mental vision of her husband posing surrounded by a bevy of “chickens,” she determines to make a personal investigation. On the last day of work on the painting, Mrs. McCarty presents herself at Miss Prism’s studio in fighting trim. The old maids take refuge behind their hero, but when he beholds his wife’s angry countenance, conditions are quickly reversed, and he takes refuge behind the old maids. Mrs. McCarty wades in, and although the hero-worshipers valiantly endeavor to protect their idol, they are a sorry-looking group when she gets through with them. Mike dives through the nearest window, and the old maids, on learning that their assailant is Mike’s wife, become greatly enraged and join Mrs. McCarty in a thrilling chase after Mike. The women corner him in his home, and his wife has to turn to and defend him from the other women. She tells them she will “attend to him,” and at the end of a wash-stick forces him to give the ladies an exhibition of his skill at the washtub. Their dreams of love shattered at seeing their gallant hero scrubbing away at the tub, the women faint in Mrs. McCarty’s arms.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 9 August 2023.

References: Montgomery-Comedy p. ? : Website-IMDb.

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