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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  The Telephone Girl and the Lady (1913)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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The Telephone Girl and the Lady
(1913) United States of America
B&W : Short film
Directed by [?] D.W. Griffith and/or Anthony O’Sullivan?

Cast: Mae Marsh [the telephone girl], Claire McDowell [the lady], Alfred Paget [the girl’s sweetheart], Harry Carey [the thief], Charles Hill Mailes [the girl’s father], John T. Dillon [the grocery man], Madge Kirby [the telephone operator], Joseph McDermott [the jewelry salesman], Kate Bruce [the lady’s friend], Gertrude Bambrick [the maid], Lionel Barrymore [the desk sergeant], Walter P. Lewis

Biograph Company production; distributed by The General Film Company, Incorporated. / Scenario by Anita Loos, from a play by Edward Acker. Cinematography by G.W. Bitzer. / Released 6 January 1913. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / [?] Everson-American p. 46 lists Anthony O’Sullivan as director of this film; Barry-Griffith p. 88 notes this discrepancy in a footnote to its Griffith filmography listing.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Over the wire, two friends were made and a catastrophe averted. Then in gratitude for her deliverance the lady enabled two young hearts to realize their desire. Watchful eyes had reckoned without the telephone girl and her many branching wires, while her father had reckoned without the sergeant on the beat and the lady. The father coveted the groceryman and his store for the girl, but the lady found a way to satisfy all.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Fights - Rescues

Listing updated: 17 December 2024.

References: Barry-Griffith pp. 43, 88; Everson-American p. 46; Everson-Detective p. 27; Spehr-American p. 3 : Website-IMDb.

Home video: DVD.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  The Telephone Girl and the Lady (1913)
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