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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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The Supreme Test
(1923) United States of America
B&W : Six reels
Directed by Harry Revier

Cast: Johnny Harron (John Harron) [Johnny Miller], Gloria Grey [May Blake], Minna Redman, Eugene Beaudino [Phil Condon], Dorothy Revier [Dolores], Ernest Shields (Ernest Shield), Geraldine Powell, Gene Walsh, [?] George Warde?

[?] Cosmoart Production Company? production. / Scenario by W.P. MacNamara. / Released 1 December 1923. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [Motion Picture News, 13 October 1923, page ?] Johnny Miller, a country boy, leaves his home in search of fame and fortune leaving behind May Blake, a blind girl, his boyhood sweetheart. The world war calls him. While at the front he risks his life to save Phil Condon, a New York crook. After the war, Johnny finds himself penniless, homeless and unemployed. He finally obtains employment as a gardener. Condon has returned to his old crowd and sweetheart, Dolores, who threatens to desert him unless he gets some money. In desperation Condon decides on a break on the home wherein Johnny is employed. A “squeal” puts cops on Condon’s tracks. Phil “frames” Johnny to whom he represents himself as a detective, forcing Miller to leave town. Later in another break Phil murders an officer and, escaping to the Blake home, forces Miller to shelter him and, in desperation, demands that Johnny steal money belonging to May Blake, and her mother. Johnny refuses, whereupon Phil undertakes the “job” himself, but is caught by Miller who thrashes him soundly. With his back turned to the crook, Miller is saved from being killed by Phil by the timely arrival of a headquarters man. Condon is arrested and Johnny and Mary, who has by this time regained her sight, left to enjoy life together everlastingly.

Survival status: The film was presumed lost.

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 12 September 2023.

References: ClasIm-223 p. 58 : Website-AFI; Website-ASFFDb; Website-IMDb.

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