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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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(1913) United States of America
B&W : Three reels
Directed by Kenean Buel

Cast: Henry Hallam [General Haverhill], Guy Coombs [Colonel Kerchival West], Harry F. Millarde [Captain Heartsease], Earle Bradbury [Lieutenant Frank Bedloe], James B. Ross [Major General Francis Buckthorn U.S.A.], Harry Reynolds [Sergeant Barket], James Vincent [Colonel Robert Illingham], Hal Clements [Captain Thorton, Secret Service, C.S.A.], Alice Hollister [Mrs. Constance Haverhill], Anna Q. Nilsson [Gertrude Illingham], Miriam Cooper [Madeline West], Marguerite Courtot [Jennie Buckthorn], Irene Boyle [Mrs. Edith Haverhill], Robert G. Vignola

Kalem Company, Incorporated, production; distributed by The General Film Company, Incorporated. / From a play by Bronson Howard. Cinematography by Al Cawood. / Released 4 July 1913. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Drama: Historical: Civil War.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Part One: Constance, the second wife of General Haverhill, befriends the officer’s son, Frank, who has been ostracized. On the night of April 12th, 1861, she gives a ball at Charleston, S.C. Frank gets word to Mrs. Haverhill that he is hiding in the city. The father will not be reconciled, but sends the boy a miniature of Constance. At the ball are Col. Kerchival West and his sister, Madeline, Robert Illingham and his sister, Gertrude. Fort Sumter is fired upon and Illingham declares his allegiance to the Confederacy. He is deeply in love with Madeline West, whose brother fondly admires Gertrude. Capt. Thornton insults Mrs. Haverhill and is called upon to fight a duel with West. Through a peculiar circumstance General Haverhill suspects Colonel West. Frank enlists in his father’s regiment under another name. He has grown a beard and is not recognized. One year later the Confederates make a night attack on the Federals and Frank is made prisoner. Capt. Thornton, in the Confederate service, takes Constance’s miniature from the captive at Richmond. Frank and several companions make a daring escape. Part Two: In 1863 the Federal army invades the Shenandoah Valley. Col. West accompanies General Haverhill, who makes headquarters at the Illingham home. Madeline West comes to visit Gertrude. The sweethearts are brought together but Gertrude will not acknowledge her love for the gallant Col. West. An expedition is sent to capture a Confederate signal tower, with Frank Haverhill in command. He loses his life in the perilous undertaking. Later Col. Illingham is captured, but is granted parole by his old friend. Col. West. West secures the miniature from Thornton, when the latter is captured, but later he is wounded by Thornton and General Haverhill is more embittered than ever when he finds the picture on West’s person. Part Three: The Confederates have planned an attack on the Federals during the absence of General Phil Sheridan. A terrific battle is waged, in which Col. West is taken prisoner. Twenty miles away, Sheridan hears the cannonading and makes a wild dash toward Winchester, to assume command. The Federals are unable to withstand the fearful assault and flee in panic. Sheridan arrives, rallies his men and thwarts the enemy. Gertrude becomes a second Evangeline in her search for Col. West. She finally locates him just as he is released from prison and they visit a little church near the battlefield. In 1865 General Haverhill visits his wife in Washington, still thinking her unfaithful. Gertrude arrives and delivers to Constance and Frank’s widow a message which was written in his last hour. The general is brought to a realization of his wife’s nobility.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: History: USA: American Civil War (1861-1865) - People: Military: General Phillip Sheridan

Listing updated: 21 August 2023.

References: Pitts-Hollywood p. 5 : Website-IMDb.

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