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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Sealed Orders
(1914) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: J. Warren Kerrigan [Crooknose Evans], Cleo Madison [Katie], William Worthington, Marc Robbins, George Periolat, Edith Bostwick, Rose Gibbons, William Abbott, Harold Lloyd

Victor Film Company production; distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated. / Scenario by Eugene Manlove Rhodes. / Released 30 March 1914. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Lloyd appears in a bit part.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Crooknose is a child of the slums. The slums his mother, dark alleys his father and his family is composed of the crook, the gambler, the demi-monde and the policeman. But despite these family connections Crooknose is organically a decent fellow. He believes in a “square deal.” He insists on a “square deal” and as a result he commands the respect, which comes of fear of the gamblers with whom he associates. One day while Crooknose is a party in a quiet game of poker another incident of importance to this story is taking place in a nearby crockery store. Katie, a young saleswoman, and Crooknose’s idol, sells a vase to a customer. The buyer of the merchandise asserts that she gave the saleswoman $50 bill. Katie says no and she is discharged. While seeking employment Katie falls into the hands of a procuress who offers her the position of housekeeper for two girl artists. Unsuspecting of the nature of the employment. Katie accepts the offer. The procuress leads Katie to her establishment. The innocent girl only too soon discovers the danger which threatens her. When she attempts to leave the infamous dive she finds that she is a prisoner and that a common person is her jailer. In the meantime Crooknose catches one of the players cheating. He draws his revolver, pockets the money on the table, which is rightfully his, and retreats from the room, holding the other gamblers at bay with his firearm. The proprietor of the house telephones to a number of confederates downstairs and instructs them to rob Crooknose of his winnings. Crooknose is “wise” to their game and he leaves the building by way of the roof. A hot chase over the tops of buildings ensues. In looking for an opportunity to reach the street Crooknose peers through a skylight and sees Katie, the object of his secret love, struggling with the pander. He jumps through the skylight and goes to her rescue. The gamblers follow and a one-sided battle begins. Crooknose is all but vanquished when Bullneck Gannon, a policeman and an old acquaintance of Crooknose, and an admirer of Katie, breaks into the room and turns tide of battle against the gamblers. There is a little scene in the hospital that night, when Katie visits Crooknose and the policeman, which suggests a future romance between Crooknose and the girl.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 11 December 2024.

References: Website-IMDb; Website-Lloyd.

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