Harold Lloyd.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
Safety Last
Also known as Monte là-dessus in France
(1923) United States of America
B&W : Seven reels / 6300 feet
Directed by Fred Newmeyer and Sam Taylor
Cast: Harold Lloyd [Harold, the boy], Mildred Davis [Mildred, the girl], Bill Strother [‘Limpy’ Bill, the pal], Noah Young [the policeman], Westcott B. Clarke [Mr. Stubbs, the floorwalker]; Mickey Daniels [the kicking newsboy], Anna Townsend [elderly store customer], Ray Erlenborn [newsboy], Charles Stevenson, Gus Leonard, Helen Gilmore
Hal Roach Studios, Incorporated, production; distributed by Pathé Exchange, Incorporated [Pathécomedy]. / Produced by Hal Roach. Scenario by Hal Roach, Sam Taylor and Tim Whelan. Cinematography by Walter Lundin. Art direction by Fred L. Guiol. Technical staff, Fred L. Guiol, C.E. Christensen and J.L. Murphy (John L. Murphy). Assistant director, Robert A. Golden. Cinematography by Walter Lundin. Film editor, T.J. Crizer (Thomas J. Crizer). Intertitles written by H.M. Walker. Presented by Hal Roach. / © 25 January 1923 by Pathé Exchange, Incorporated [LU18608]. Released 1 April 1923. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Strother was also a stunt man on the film. The Majestic Theatre in Los Angeles, California, (in addition to one of the Tally’s theatres) can be seen in the background of the building-climbing scene.
Survival status: Prints exist in the Museum of Modern Art film archive; in the UCLA Film and Television Archive film archive; and in the British Film Institute National Archive film archive.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: African-Americans - Ambulances - Animals: Mice - Automobiles - Awnings - Babies - Bottles: Ink - Buildings - Chairs - Clocks: Building, Timeclocks - Construction workers - Customers - Daredevils - Department stores - Elevators - Employees - Fire hydrants - Floorwalkers - Glasses - Handwriting - Hats: Straw, Womens - Ice wagons - Jewelry: Lavaliers - Jews - Ladders - Landladies - Letters - Managers - Offices - Pawn tickets - Pay envelopes - Photographers - Policemen - Records - Signage - Stores - Street scenes - Textiles - Train conductors - Trains - Train stations - Trolleys - Trucks - USA: California: Los Angeles - Watches: Pocket
Listing updated: 20 May 2018.
References: Film credits, film viewing : Bardèche-History pp. 213, 292, 318; Bohn-Light pp. xxiii, 103-104; Brownlow-Parade pp. 463, 469, 470; Dardis-Keaton pp. 91, 106, 127; Everson-American p. 310f; Fell-History pp. 94, 95; FilmYearBook-1926 p. 7; Kerr-Silent pp. 3, 192, 197-198, 202, 337; Lahue-World p. 132; Leish-Cinema pp. 62, 63; McCaffrey-Guide p. 14g; Reilly-Lloyd pp. xiv-xv, 4, 10; Sherwood-Best p. 185; Shipman-Cinema p. 80; Sinyard-Silent pp. 46, 47; Sklar-Movie pp. 8, 117, 118; Skretvedt-Magic p. 441; Slide-Aspects p. 9; Sweeney-Coming pp. 50, 52; Vermilye-Twenties pp. 25, 163 : ClasIm-220 p. 43; ClasIm-311 p. 72; Photoplay-192306 p. 27 : Website-AFI; Website-Lloyd.
Home video: Blu-ray Disc, DVD.