[Ross-Roeber Wrestling Match]
(1895) United States of America
B&W : Short film
Directed by Otway Latham
Cast: Duncan C. Ross [himself], Ernest Roeber [himself]
Lambda Company production; distributed by [?] Lambda Company? / Eidoloscope spherical widegauge filmstock format. / The Latham Eidoloscope was a renamed version of the Latham Pantoptikon camera/projector system. Each film shot by the system was only approximately 50 to 150 feet long.
Documentary: Sports: Wrestling Match.
Synopsis: Match between Ross and Roeber on a white mat against a white background, with three onlookers including the referee.
Survival status: (unknown)
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Athletes: Wrestlers - Sports: Wrestling
Listing updated: 30 December 2024.
References: Musser-Emerge p. 99; Ramsaye-Million pp. 104b, 185 : Website-IMDb.