Lillian Gish (left).
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
A Romance of
Happy Valley
(1919) United States of America
B&W : Six reels / 5905 feet
Directed by D.W. Griffith
Cast: Lillian Gish [Jennie Timberlake], Robert Harron [John L. Logan Jr.], George Fawcett [John L. Logan Sr.], Kate Bruce [Mrs. Logan], George Nicholls [William Timberlake], Bertram Grassby [Judas], Porter Strong [the negro farmhand], Adolphe Lestina [Vinegar Watkins], Lydia Yeamans Titus [old lady Smiles], Andrew Arbuckle [the minister], Frances Sparks [Topsy], Carol Dempster [the girl in New York]
D.W. Griffith production; distributed by Paramount Pictures Corporation [Griffith’s Short Story Series; Artcraft Pictures]. / Produced by D.W. Griffith. Scenario by Captain Victor Marier (D.W. Griffith), from a screen story by Mary Castelman. Cinematography by G.W. Bitzer. Second camera operator, Karl Brown. Film editor, James Smith. Presented by D.W. Griffith. / © 31 December 1918 (as The Romance of Happy Valley) by David W. Griffith (D.W. Griffith) [LP13262]. Premiered 26 January 1919 at the Mark Strand Theatre in New York, New York. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / This film was begun before The Greatest Thing in Life (1918), which was released before this film. Dempster’s film debut.
Drama: Rural.
Survival status: Prints exist in the Museum of Modern Art film archive; and in the film holdings of Cohen Media Group (Raymond Rohauer collection) [35mm positive].
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Listing updated: 17 June 2014.
References: Bardèche-History pp. 105, 106; Barry-Griffith p. 56; Everson-American p. 86i; Weaver-Twenty p. 146 : Website-AFI.
Home video: DVD.