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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Redeemed Criminal
(1911) United States of America
B&W : Short film
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: Curtis Cooksey

The Essanay Film Manufacturing Company production; distributed by The General Film Company, Incorporated. / Released 3 January 1911. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Drama: Crime.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Spike Hennessy, cracksman and his pal, Kid Carson, blow the safe of The Continental Trust Co., and are just about to pack up the loot when they are discovered by the night watchman. Hennessy, a man of powerful physique, grapples with the officer, and gives the Kid his chance to escape. Hennessy knocks the watchman insensible, but is captured by several police officers who have come in answer to the police alarm. Hennessy is submitted to The Third Degree but, although the police are morally certain that he had an accomplice, they cannot wring a confession from him, and he will not reveal the identity of his pal. He is sentenced to twenty years, and serves his time, still maintaining that he was alone on the job. Carson reforms, and later becomes a minister of the gospel, striving to atone for his past misdeed by living an upright life and working for the good of his fellow man. He is married and has a grown son, who is in love with Margaret Fairfield, a young society woman. Hennessy, released from prison, returns to his old and evil ways, and proves that his hand has not lost its cunning, by cracking the safe at the Fairfield mansion, looting it of the family jewels, one of the stolen pieces being the Fairfield necklace, a valuable heirloom. Detectives immediately conclude that the work was Hennessy’s, and they are in close pursuit of him, when he takes refuge in the house of his former pal, now the Rev. Doctor Carson. Confronting the surprised minister in his study, Hennessy swings open the door of the small safe, places the diamonds within and locks it, demanding that the minister protect him from the police. When the officers arrive, Carson represents to them that Hennessy is his butler, and Spike escapes, telling his former pal that he will return for the loot. Carson’s son finds the jewels in the safe and it is with difficulty that the father convinces the boy that he is not the thief. Carson, determined that Hennessy shall not regain possession of the jewels, resolves to return them to their owner in the same manner in which they were stolen, and attired in his old burglar’s garb, goes to the Fairfield mansion, breaks in, opens the safe and replaces the jewels. The next morning the public is electrified by reading that the Fairfield jewels are mysteriously returned. Hennessy wrathfully confronts Carson, and demands the meaning of it. Carson tells Hennessy that he has replaced the jewels and that he has resolved that this shall be Hennessy’s last theft. So strongly does he plead with him, and so powerful is the effect of his sermon, that Hennessy pledges his word to reform and lead an upright life. Carson secures him a position, using his influence as a minister to do so, and as the picture closes we find the redeemed criminal, now a respected citizen and a man of family, receiving a visit from his pal, the Rev. Doctor Carson.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 28 March 2020.

References: Sloan-Loud p. 41 : Website-IMDb.

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