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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Red Margaret, Moonshiner (1913)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Red Margaret, Moonshiner
(1913) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by Allan Dwan

Cast: Pauline Bush [Red Margaret], Murdock MacQuarrie [the government agent], James Neill [the sheriff], Lon Chaney [Lon, the old moonshiner]

The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated production; distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated [Gold Seal]. / Scenario by Jeanie Macpherson. / Released 9 December 1913. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Working title: Warrington’s Honor. Universal production number 0299. [?] There is a remote chance the film was edited to one reel and rereleased as Moonshine Blood on 21 December 1916.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Red Margaret’s sagacity and commanding personality outwits the agents of the law who attempt to capture a band of moonshiners until she comes to know the secret of love. Then it is that she sacrifices her people and herself. The play opens in the wild mountains, where a band of moonshiners bid defiance to the officials. Margaret is the soul of the gang and the authorities realize that if they could capture her the rest would be easy. However, they fail in every attempt and a government agent is sent to assist them. Margaret, unaware of his identity, meets and falls in love with this agent. He is different from the rest of her people and his presence causes a moral awakening. Lon, Margaret’s suitor, discovers the identity and the purpose of the agent, and the girl is forced to write a letter which brings him, unsuspectingly, to her cabin. Now, fully repentant for the first time in her life, the girl notifies the deputies of their leader’s danger. There is a sharp battle that ends in the defeat and capture of the moonshiners. Margaret’s father is killed and the agent is left behind, wounded. A deputy, arriving with the prisoners, takes all the honor for their capture. Love points the way for the girl. Forcibly, she leads the wounded man to the sheriff’s office and gives the impression that the agent arrested her. Suspicion is lifted from him and the girl goes to prison, a happy woman. • Additional synopsis available in Blake-Films pp. 7-8.

Survival status: The film is presumed lost.

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Government agents - Moonshiners

Listing updated: 22 December 2024.

References: Blake-Films pp. 7-8; Spehr-American p. 100; Weaver-Twenty p. 75 : Website-Chaney; Website-IMDb.

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