(1915) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by Wally Van
Cast: Wally Van [Billy Delano], Nitra Frazer [Madge, the farmer’s daughter], Charles Eldridge [Billy’s father]
The Vitagraph Company of America production; distributed by The General Film Company, Incorporated. / Scenario by Frank Mitchell Dazey and Cecille B. Peterson. / Released 18 October 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.
Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Tried beyond all endurance by his son’s vagaries, Billy Delano’s father sends him to a country farm and tells him to stay there and not write to him until he has made good. Billy goes into partnership with Madge, the daughter of the last owner of the farm and as the new owner, throws himself heart and soul into the work and makes such a good impression on his rural neighbors that they elect him mayor. On the strength of this Billy proposes to Madge and is accepted. His dad is informed, and he sets off hot-foot to prevent the nuptials. He is arrested within the town limits for speeding, and brought to trial, before Billy. Delano becomes obstreperous and Billy sends him to the cooler. There pa’s anger subsides, but a bread-and-water diet is necessary before he finally capitulates. Acknowledging his son has “made good,” he smilingly gives his blessing to the marriage. Billy “discharges the prisoner,” and they all call it “Quits.”
Survival status: (unknown)
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Listing updated: 22 December 2024.
References: Website-IMDb.