Gloria Swanson (lower left) and Chester Conklin (center).
Photograph by Nelson Evans; Silent Era image collection.
The Pullman Bride
Also known as [The Train Robbers] : {A Pullman Bride}
(1917) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by Clarence G. Badger (Clarence Badger)
Cast: Gloria Swanson [the Pullman bride], Mack Swain [Rover Peabody, the chosen one], Chester Conklin [the rejected suitor], Laura La Varnie [the Pullman bride’s mother], Tom Kennedy [Oklahoma Pete, a bandit], Polly Moran [Sheriff Nell], Abdul the Turk [the prisoner], Jack Cooper [a drunk], James Donnelly [the restaurant manager], Glen Cavender [the Pullman waiter], Gene Rogers [the dining passenger in a vest], Vera Steadman [a dining passenger], Phyllis Haver [the passenger in the Pullman berth], Anthony O’Sullivan [the fat woman in the Pullman berth], Albert T. Gillespie [a wedding guest], Clarence Lyndon [a wedding guest], Elinor Field [a bathing girl], Marvel Rea [a bathing girl], [?] Wayland Trask?
Mack Sennett Comedies production; distributed by Paramount Pictures Corporation [A Paramount-Mack Sennett Comedy]. / Produced by Mack Sennett. / Released 4 November 1917. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Working title: The Train Robbers. Sennett’s second Paramount release; Swanson’s final film for Sennett.
Survival status: Print exists in the UCLA Film and Television Archive film archive.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Listing updated: 12 April 2024.
References: Brownlow-Parade pp. 372, 374; Edmonds-Arbuckle pp. 47-48; Hudson-Swanson pp. 11, 116; Lahue-World p. 87; Quirk-Swanson pp. 63-64, 65; Sinyard-Silent p. 41 : Website-IMDb.