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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Priscilla’s Engagement Ring
Also known as {Priscilla’s Engagement Kiss}
(1911) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by Frank Powell

Cast: Florence Barker [Priscilla], Edward Dillon [Paul], Mack Sennett [the doctor], George Nichols, Dorothy West

Biograph Company production; distributed by The General Film Company, Incorporated. / Scenario by Frank E. Woods. Cinematography by Arthur Marvin. / Released 9 February 1911. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Priscilla is ill with throat trouble and Paul is much concerned about this and his sympathy for her intensifies his love to such an extent that he proposes. Priscilla, of course, is willing, but papa in a joke declares Paul too young to marry. He must grow whiskers and become more manly. At this point the doctor calls to treat Priscilla for her sore throat. This M.D. is a crank on germs and microbes, arguing that bacteria lurks in everything and thorough and frequent disinfection is our only hope to escape disease. Paul is introduced to the doctor, but before taking Paul’s hand Doc disinfects it. Maybe Paul isn’t sore, but the worst comes when the disciple of germicides in taking Priscilla’s pulse lingers. Paul leaves the house insanely jealous of the doctor, for Priscilla, to tease him, seems to be pleased with the doctor’s attentions. However, when Paul arrives at the club he has cooled a bit and decides to call again to see Priscilla. He is met by her mother who hands him a note to the effect that the doctor has forbidden her to see Paul or receive his floral tributes if she hopes to recover. It is a case of “Hearts and Flowers vs. Germs and Microbes.” Paul is now furious and determines to do away with himself by smoking himself to death, purchasing all the “weeds” at the club for the purpose. This is rather a slow and disagreeable method so he desists. Furthermore, he reasons that the fickle-hearted Priscilla is not worth it. Priscilla, now cured of her sore throat, is lonesome and longs to see Paul, but her pride prevents her sending for him. Mother, however, sends a note: “There is a little girl who would like to see you.” To this Paul sends the answer: “Let the little girl see the germ doctor.” It is now Priscilla’s turn to get angry and through pique she accepts the proposal of the Germist, inviting the engagement kiss. The doctor is about to kiss her, when he catches himself and disinfects her lips. Oh me! Oh my! But she is wild and chases him out. The mother now sends a second note: “Priscilla cured. The germs and microbes are gone for good.” This decides Paul, and calling, everything ends happily. Hearts and flowers are victorious while germs and microbes receiveth a fall.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 13 October 2023.

References: Spehr-American p. 3 : Website-IMDb.

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