Princess Ali.
Frame enlargement: Silent Era image collection.
Princess Ali
Also known as Principessa Ali in Italy : [Egyptian Dance]
(1895) United States of America
B&W : 21 feet
Directed by William Heise
Cast: Princess Ali [herself]
Edison Manufacturing Company production; distributed by [?] Maguire & Baucus [Continental Commerce Company]? / Cinematography by William Heise. / Kinetoscope 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The production was shot on 9 May 1895 in the Edison Black Maria studio in West Orange, New Jersey.
Performance: Dance.
Synopsis: [Maguire & Baucus catalog, page ?] By “Princess Ali,” the star of the Midway Plaisance.
Survival status: Print exists.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Dance - Dancers
Listing updated: 18 December 2024.
References: Film viewing : Altman-Sound p. 82; Musser-Emerge p. 86 : Website-IMDb; Website-LoC.
Home video: DVD.