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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Price of Peace
(1912) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by Lois Weber

Cast: Phillips Smalley, Lois Weber

Rex Film Company production; distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated. / Scenario by Lois Weber. / Released 6 June 1912. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? She was dying. Already beyond was near. Her spirit was approaching the afterwards. With a brave effort, she turned her face to her husband and sweetheart, to whom she was more than all. Feebly her trembling lips whispered, “It is cold.” The icy finger of the skeleton with the scythe had already touched the body that was his forfeit. Into the man’s eyes came a hard glint, the light of battle. His grief declared war against the invincible antagonist whose very defeat is but transient, whose victories are eternal. Again she turned to him. “It is dark,” she murmured. Tenderly he kissed the faded lips and lighted the candle. She was dead. With her had withered all the accumulated hopes and tender plans of youth and love. With her had died all of himself but his body. His being was minus. He tried to forget, but memory was stubborn and cruel. Always he would see her in his tortured mind, with the tender smile of old on her lips and the soft glow in her eyes, and in desperate abandon, he would curse death. Then he met the devil. Bright lights, wanton women, careless kisses, vice embraced in the arms of sin, a carnival of corruption, a feast of folly; he came within a few hours of hell. But stronger than the evil and the devil in him was the memory, casting its halo over the hollow haunts of hell and the memory triumphed. One day, his soul pitying the pathetic burden of his heart, it whispered a message of its immortality, the promise of reunion in the eternal sequel, and, eager and impatient, he went to meet her. He went to the country, and in the lonesome woods his lonely longing sought release. Revolver in hand, he was ready to send that which would remain and live after what had been, he was dead across the oceans of space to the shores of eternity, where she was waiting. Twilight was mantling the earth with its soft veil. A few monks from the nearby monastery were walking through the woods, communing with their Master. They met him. His story was told and heard, and they offered him the peace that bides and abides. He entered the House of God, peace entered his heart, and a song sang in his soul.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 8 March 2012.

References: Website-IMDb.

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