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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Pranks of Buster Brown and His Dog Tige (1904)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Pranks of Buster Brown and His Dog Tige
Also known as [Buster Brown and His Dog Tige], [Buster Brown’s Pranks]
(1904) United States of America
B&W : Short film
Directed by Edwin S. Porter

Cast: [?] ? [Buster Brown], [?] ? [Bridget], [?] ? [the tramp], [?] ? [Buster’s mother]

Edison Manufacturing Company production; distributed by Edison Manufacturing Company. / Cinematography by Edwin S. Porter. / © 9 March 1904 by Thomas A. Edison [H43074]. Released March 1904. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [From Edison promotional materials] [Scene I] The opening scene shows Bridget asleep at the kitchen-table, and Buster enters on tip-toe. After tying her apron over her head and to the back of the chair, he tries to reach a jar of jam on the top shelf of the pantry. After several futile attempts, he gives up. His attention is now attracted by a tramp at the window. Buster beckons the fellow to come in through the window, and asks “Weary Willie” to get jam for him. The tramp secures the jam, he places the jar on the table, and proceeds to enjoy the sweets, but neglects to give Buster his share. Whereupon Buster angrily gets up from the table, shakes his finger threateningly at the tramp and goes out, but almost immediately comes back with his mamma and his dog Tige. Buster’s mamma is greatly shocked at the sight, while Buster now sets Tige on the tramp, and in the melee Bridget wakes up, and falls over backwards, chair and all. Buster's mamma releases Bridget from her predicament, and the tramp, with Tige holding on to his coat-tails, makes a hasty retreat through the window. Bridget succeeds in getting hold of her broom and helps him a little. Buster is rewarded by his mamma for getting rid of the tramp, and is given permission to eat all the jam he wants.

Survival status: Print exists.

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 27 August 2022.

References: Musser-Emerge pp. 357, 389, 599, Tarbox-Lost pp. 44, 279 : Website-AFI.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Pranks of Buster Brown and His Dog Tige (1904)
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