Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
Potomok Chingis-khana
Also known as Storm Over Asia in the USA : [The Heir to Genghis Khan], [The Heir of Genghis Khan]
(1928) Soviet Union
B&W : [?] Nine? reels / 2605 metres
Directed by Vsevolod I. Pudovkin
Cast: Valerji Inkishinov [Bair, okhotnik (the mongol)], A. Dedintsev [Nachalnik okkupatsionnyykx voysk (the British commandant)], Aleksandr Chistyakov [Komandir partizan (the Russian rebel leader)], Viktor Tsoppi [?] [Henry Hughes or Smith, skupshchik pushnini]?, F. Ivanov [Lama (the lama)], V. Pro [Missioner (a British missionary)], Boris Barnet [Angliyskiy (an English soldier)], Karl Gurniak [Angliyskiy soldat (an English soldier)], I. Inkzhinov [Otets Baira (Bair’s father)], L. Belinskaya [Zhena nachalnika okkupatsionnykh voysk (the commandant’s wife)], Anel Sudakevich [Doch nachalnika okkupatsionnykh voysk (the commandant’s blonde daughter)], Leonid Oboloenski [Adyutant nachalnika okkupstsionnykh voysk (the commandant’s moustached adjutant)]
Mezhrabpom-Rus’ production; distributed by [?] Mezhrabpom-Rus’? / Scenario by Osip Brik, from a screen story by Ivan Novokshenov. Art direction by Sergei Kozlovski and M. Aronson. Cinematography by Anatoli Golovnya. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Pudovkin’s last silent film. The film was released in Denmark on 11 February 1929. The film was released in Sweden on 2 March 1929. The film was released in the USA on 6 September 1930. / Silent film.
Drama: Historical.
Survival status: Print exists.
Current rights holder: (unknown)
Listing updated: 22 December 2024.
References: Bardèche-History pp. 138, 271, 276, 277-278; Bohn-Light pp. xxv, 150, 151; Leish-Cinema p. 41; Limbacher-Feature p. 234; Shipman-Cinema pp. 100, 101; Weinberg-Stroheim p. xii; Youngblood-Soviet pp. 86, 212-213, 318 : Website-IMDb.
Home video: Blu-ray Disc, DVD.