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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Also known as [Pocahontas, a Child of the Forest]
(1908) United States of America
B&W : Short film
Directed by [?] Edwin S. Porter?

Cast: (unknown)

Edison Manufacturing Company production; distributed by Edison Manufacturing Company. / Released 28 September 1908. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Drama: Historical.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Prelude: We owe a debt to Captain John Smith, a hardy adventurer, sailor, soldier and traveler. He founded Jamestown in 1607, made friends of the Indians. This story tells of his meeting Pocahontas. The Treaty of Peace: Pocahontas accompanied her father, the famous Powhatan, to Jamestown. Treaty of Peace signed. Pocahontas meets and admires Captain Smith. “Kunder-Wacha,” an Indian suitor, shows jealousy. Smith’s Expedition: Smith establishes order and progress. Quells mutiny. Starts on an expedition. Is trailed by “Kunder-Wacha” and his hostile Indians. Saved by a Compass: “Kunder-Wacha” captures Captain Smith. His companions are killed. Smith about to be tortured. Compass causes wonder. Smith explains how it works. Looked upon as a “Medicine man” Taken to Powhatan. A Great Chief: Powhatan treats Smith royally, tells Indians he is a friend, orders him unbound. Invites into his wigwam. Pocahontas renews friendship, “Kunder-Wacha” a witness. Adds to his hate. The Council: “Kunder-Wacha” demands Smith’s life. Council meets. “Kunder-Wacha” gains his end. Smith sentenced to death. Led to execution. Pocahontas stays the blow, appeals to Powhatan. Indian law in her favor. Smith is released, “Kunder-Wacha’s” Revenge: Smith promises to send two cannon and a grindstone to Powhatan. Departs for Jamestown, accompanied by two Indians. Pocahontas goes part of the way. “Kunder-Wacha” shoots Smith, escapes. Pocahontas binds Smith’s arm. Captain Smith Goes to England: Smith sails. Famine threatens. Pocahontas visits Jamestown, brings food. Rolfe tells her Captain Smith is dead. She grieves. Rolfe saves Pocahontas from “Kunder-Wacha.” Shoots “Kunder-Wacha.” Historic Wedding: Rolfe wins Pocahontas. Obtains Powhatan’s consent. Grand wedding. Colonists happy and prosperous.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Native Americans

Listing updated: 22 August 2023.

References: Pitts-Hollywood p. 89 : Website-IMDb.

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