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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Perils of the Yukon (1922)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Perils of the Yukon
Also known as ユーコンの危難 in Japan
(1922) United States of America
B&W : Serial / 15 chapters / 30 reels
Directed by J.P. McGowan, Jay Marchant and Perry Vekroff

Cast: William Desmond [Jack Merrill Sr.; and Jack Merrill Jr.], [?] Princess Neela (Neola May) and/or Ruth Royce? [Nee Wah], Laura La Plante [Olga Basanoff], Clark Comstock [Basanoff, Olga’s father], Joseph Girard (Joseph W. Girard) [Ivan Petrof], Joe McDermott (Joseph McDermott) [Hogan], George A. Williams [Scott McPherson], Mack V. Wright [Lew Scully], Fred Kohler [Captain Whipple], Chief Harris [Numa], Fred Stanton (Fred R. Stanton), Harry Carter

Universal Pictures Corporation production; distributed by Universal Pictures Corporation. / Scenario by George H. Plympton and George Morgan. Presented by Carl Laemmle. / 15 chapters (two reels each): [1] “Fangs of Jealousy,” released 24 July 1922; [2] “Doomed,” released 31 July 1922; [3] “Tricked by Fate,” released 7 August 1922; [4] “Master and Man,” released 14 August 1922; [5] “Terrors of the North,” released 21 August 1922; [6] “The Menace of Death,” released 28 August 1922; [7] “Trapped by Fire,” released 4 September 1922; [8] “Hurled into Space,” released 11 September 1922; [9] “The Gold Rush,” released 18 September 1922; [10] “Valley of Death,” released 25 September 1922; [11] “A Race for Life,” released 2 October 1922; [12] “The Path of Doom,” released 9 October 1922; [13] “Martial Law,” released 16 October 1922; [14] “Trail of Vengeance,” released 23 October 1922; [15] “The Final Reckoning,” released 30 October 1922. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Survival status: The film is presumed lost.

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Alaska territory - Russians - Serials

Listing updated: 29 April 2020.

References: Drew-Speaking pp. 93, 277; Edmonds-BigU pp. 125, 126, 132; Lahue-Continued pp. 229-230, 287 : Website-IMDb; Website-SerSq.

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