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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  La Passion et la mort de Jeanne d’Arc (1928)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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  Maria Falconetti.
Frame enlargement: Silent Era image collection.
La Passion et la mort de Jeanne d’Arc
(The Passion and Death of Joan of Arc)
Also known as La Pasión de Juana de Arco in Spain : [The Passion of Jeanne d’Arc], [The Passion of Joan of Arc], [The Immortal Saint] : {La Passion de Jeanne d’Arc}
(1928) France
B&W : Feature film
Directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer

Cast: Maria Falconetti [Jeanne d’Arc], Eugène Sylvain [Pierre Cauchon], André Berley [Jean d’Estivet], Maurice Schutz [Nicolas Loyseleur], Antonin Artaud [Jean Massieu], Michel Simon [Jean Lemaître], Jean d’Yd [Guillaume Erard], Ravel [Jean Beaupère], André Lurville [judge], Jacques Arnna [judge], Alexandre Mihalesco [judge], Léon Larive [judge], Robert Narlay, Henri Maillard, Jean Ayme, Henri Gaultier, Paul Jorge, Jean Hemm

La Société générale de Films production. / Scenario by Joseph Delteil and Carl Theodor Dreyer, from the adaptation by Carl Theodor Dreyer of the book by Joseph Delteil. Historial advisor, Pierre Champion. Production design by Jean Victor Hugo and Hermann Warm. Costume design by Valentine Hugo. Assistant directors, Paul LaCour and Ralf Holm. Cinematography by Rudolph Maté. / Premiered 21 April 1928 at the Paladsteatret in Copenhagen, Denmark. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / This was Falconetti’s only film. Originally premiered at 110 minutes, the film was later cut to approximately 86 minutes. The original 35mm camera negative was lost in a laboratory fire at the UFA studio in Berlin on 6 December 1928. The film premiered in the United Kingdom on 26 April 1928 in London, England. The film premiered in France (originally scheduled for 2 May 1928) on 25 October 1928 in Paris, France. An original 35mm nitrate Danish language version of the original edit of the film was rediscovered in a mental institution in Oslo, Norway in 1981. [?] Falconetti has been listed with the first names Renée, Maria and Melle. / Silent film.

Drama: Historical.

Survival status: Prints exist [35mm nitrate positive (struck from the original camera negative; known as the Oslo version); 35mm positive (struck from the replacement negative)].

Current rights holder: (unknown)

Keywords: France - Religion: Catholicism

Listing updated: 5 June 2020.

References: Film viewing : Bardèche-History pp. 265-266; Barnard-Argentine pp. 128, 129; Bohn-Light pp. xxv, 159, 168-169, 283, 284; Card-Seductive p. 22; Everson-American p. 336; Kael-Kiss pp. 325, 329; Leish-Cinema pp. 35, 37; Limbacher-Feature pp. 119, 185; Shipman-Cinema p. 105; Sinyard-Silent pp. 8, 158; Sklar-Movie p. 87; Skretvedt-Magic p. 317.

Home video: Blu-ray Disc, DVD.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  La Passion et la mort de Jeanne d’Arc (1928)
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