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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  The Other Woman’s Story (1925)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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The Other Woman’s Story
(1925) United States of America
B&W : Six reels / 6080 feet
Directed by B.F. Stanley

Cast: Alice Calhoun [Mrs. Colby], Robert Frazer [Colman Colby], Helen Lee Worthing [Jean Prentiss], David Torrence [the judge], Riza Royce [the maid], Mahlon Hamilton [Robert Marshall], Gertrude Short [Mildred Van]

B.P. Schulberg Productions, Incorporated, production. / Scenario by John Goodrich, from a screen story by Peggy Gaddis. Cinematography by Gilbert Warrenton and Allen Siegler. / Released 15 November 1925. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [Exhibitor’s Trade Review, 31 October 1925, page 34] Robert Marshall is found dead. Colman Colby is arrested for the murder. At the trial it develops that Mrs. Colby was divorcing her husband to marry Marshall, of whom he had always been jealous. It also comes out that Jean Prentiss, named as corespondent in the Colby case, was deeply in love with Colby, although totally innocent. All witnesses seeing the dead man at his home the night of the murder testify that he “looked at the door behind him.” The jury goes out and brings in a verdict of guilty. Meantime Jean remembers a girl's face through the window at the Marshall funeral. Searching in the Rogues’ Gallery she locates the girl. This underworld denizen, Gertie Van, offers evidence that convicts Mrs. Colby of the crime committed in a jealous rage. Colby and Jean are united. • [The Moving Picture World, 7 November 1925, page ?] Colman Colby is sued for divorce by his wife, who names his business partner, Jean Prentiss, as co-respondent, retaining Robert Marshall as counsel. Latter is mysteriously murdered and Colman put on trial as the suspected slayer. Jean locates Gertie, underworld girl. Gertie gives evidence implicating Mrs. Colby, who was intimate with Marshall, as having killed him. Mrs. Colby confesses and is arrested. The new evidence reverses the “guilty” verdict against Colman.

Survival status: Prints exist in the UCLA Film and Television Archive film archive [35mm nitrate positive]; and in the Library of Congress film archive [35mm acetate duplicate negative].

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 14 April 2024.

References: FilmYearBook-1926 p. 49 : Website-AFI; Website-ASFFDb; Website-IMDb.

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