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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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An Oriental Romance
(1915) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by George A. Lessey

Cast: King Baggot [Hop Kung], Arline Pretty [Clara Fenton], Ned Reardon [Dick Fenton], Frank Smith [Lian Kung], Charles W. Burbridge [Clara’s father], Mark Fenton [Heapley, the loan shark]

Independent Moving Pictures Company, Incorporated [IMP] production; distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated. / Released 19 February 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Heapley conducts a moneylending business for wealthy Chinese merchant Lian Kung. Hop Kung, the Chinese merchant’s son, returns from college with his chum Dick Fenton, whom he introduces to his father. The young Chinaman’s father warns him not to forget his race while mingling with the whites. Dick invites Hop Kung to visit his father and sister. Clara, Dick’s sister is much attracted to the handsome young Asian. Dick spends much time gambling. In order to recoup his losses Dick plunges more heavily. He falls into the hands of loan-shark Heapley. Meanwhile, Clara, her father, and Dick returns the call made by Hop Kung to their home. Hop Kung gives Clara a necklace and an understanding grows between them. While visiting Dick, Hop Kung learns that his friend has fallen heavily in debt to Heapley the moneylender. Dick attempts to shoot himself but Hop Kung takes the revolver from him and assures Dick that he will help him out. Hop Kung begs his father to save Dick for the sake of his family. The old merchant thinks none too well of the plan, but to please his son calls in Heapley and collects from the money lender the notes which Dick has given him to cover his gambling losses. Dick then comes down to the merchant’s shop, where Hop Kung tears up the notes and frees Dick from all financial obligation. A month passes. In the meantime the growing attachment between Clara and Hop Kung has caused comment among Clara’s friends. Her father hears of these slighting remarks and is angered. He upbraids his daughter for having fallen in love with a Chinaman. Dick, also, is infuriated at the thought of having his sister marry Hop Kung. Again Hop Kung visits the Fenton home. Dick upbraids him and accuses him with having forced his sister Clara to love him. Hop Kung agrees to cure Clara of her love for him, although he breaks his own heart in doing so. That night at a formal gathering Hop Kung makes love to all the girls in turn. Clara looks reproachfully at him, and for a time Hop Kung fights against his desire to take her in his arms. Then he again continues with his love making. Clara faints in her father’s arms, and Hop Kung goes home to his father, who is secretly phased to hear that his son has given up the white girl.

Reviews: [The Moving Picture World, 20 February 1915, page ?] A two-reel number with a novel plot. King Baggot appears as the son of a wealthy Chinaman. He has been to an American college and falls in love with the sister of his chum, Dick. He saves Dick from the clutches of a money lender, who is conducting the business for his own father, Liang Kung. Later, when Dick learns that his sister loves Hop, he turns upon him and insists that he leave her alone. The young Chinaman then sacrifices the girl’s love by flirting with another and breaking his own heart at the same time. The settings are pleasing throughout and the story handled in a convincing way. The photography is good.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Asians: Chinese

Listing updated: 15 April 2024.

References: Edmonds-BigU p. 50 : Website-IMDb.

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