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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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One Million Dollars
(1915) United States of America
B&W : Five reels
Directed by John W. Noble

Cast: William Faversham [Richard Duvall], Henry Bergman [Count Raoul D’Estes], George Le Guere [Emile], Mayme Kelso [Countess D’Estes], Carlotta De Felice [Grace Ellicott], Arthur Morrison [Purtab Gar], Charles Graham [the police chief], Camilla Dalberg (Camille Dalberg) [Mrs. Cooke, the housekeeper]

Rolfe Photoplays, Incorporated, production; distributed by Metro Pictures Corporation [A Metro Wonderplay]. / Scenario by George D. Proctor, from the novel One Million Francs by Arnold Fredericks (Frederic Arnold Kummer). Cinematography by Herbert O. Carlton. / © 22 November 1915 by Metro Pictures Corporation [LP7064]. Released 22 November 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Drama: Mystery.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? While touring India, noted English criminologist Richard Duvall saves the life of a Buddhist priest who rewards him with the presentation of a wonderful crystal globe. By gazing in it the priest demonstrates that Duvall can fall into a cataleptic state and his astral body is released and is free to roam at will. Leaving the temple, Duvall collides with Grace Ellicott, who is touring the Far East with her aunt, the Countess D’Este and the Count. A mutual admiration between Grace and Duvall results from the accidental meeting. Later, in England, the mistress of Count D’Este makes financial demands which he cannot meet. With his housekeeper, Mrs. Cooke, he plans to put his wife out of the way and thus obtain her fortune. Poison is put in candy which the Countess eats. Her sudden death arouses the suspicion of her niece. On his return to England, Duvall experiments with the magic globe. He is surprised and pleased to see the face of the girl he met in India. Further experiments, while in the cataleptic state, discloses part of the plot that resulted in the death of Grace’s aunt, which has cheated her out of the fortune. Duvall seeks out Grace to explain his strange experiments. She tells him that previous to the death of the Countess she had seen her will and that the entire fortune, which included one million dollars in cash, was to be left to her. But after the suspicious death of the Countess, Grace is puzzled when the Count produces a new will in which he is named the sole beneficiary. Duvall succeeds in having his East Indian servant, Purtab Gar, secure a position in the Count’s home. Then he proceeds to unravel the mystery and at the same time recover the one million dollars for Grace. Count D'Este is driven to distraction by finding, everywhere he turns in his home, cards that read: “I want One Million Dollars. Victor Gerard.” Disguised as “Victor Gerard,” Duvall pays a visit to the Count. He insists that the one million dollars be ready for him at midnight, when he will call again. D’Este notifies the police and the chief calls in Duvall to assist in solving the mystery and apprehending “Gerard.” Duval outlines a plan in which the Count is directed to have the money ready as demanded. He assures him the premises will be well protected and that “Gerard” cannot escape. “Gerard” arrives at the appointed time and mysteriously disappears, together with the money, as the police close in. Duvall walks out of a room where they think they have “Gerard” trapped. Count D’Este accuses Grace of stealing the money and attempts to strangle her when Purtab Gar saves her. Duvall succeeds in obtaining a confession of the murder from the housekeeper, when he traps her as she is attempting to poison Grace. Duvall explains everything to the mystified police. D’Este is carried off under arrest and Grace and Duvall are left happily together.

Survival status: The film is presumed lost.

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 21 May 2024.

References: Tarbox-Lost p. 254 : Website-AFI; Website-ASFFDb; Website-IMDb.

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