Ethel Waters.
Frame enlargement: Silent Era image collection.
On with the Show
(1929) United States of America
Color : Feature film
Directed by Alan Crosland
Cast: Betty Compson [Nita French], Arthur Lake [Harold Astor], Sally O’Neil [Kitty], Joe E. Brown [Ike Beaton], Louise Fazenda [Sarah Fogarty], Wheeler Oakman [Willie Durant], Purnell Pratt [Sam Bloom], Tom O’Brien [Larry Maloney], Ethel Waters [Ethel], William Bakewell [Jimmy], Sam Hardy [Jerry], Harry Gribbon [Joe], Lee Moran [Pete], Hnery Fink [the father in the stage show], Thomas Jefferson [Dad], Otto Hoffman [Bart], Madeline Fairbanks, Marion Fairbanks, James Cagney
Warner Brothers Pictures, Incorporated, production; distributed by Warner Brothers Pictures, Incorporated. / Screenplay by Robert Ford, from the play Shoestring by Humphrey Pearson. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. Technicolor two-strip color process. Western Electric Vitaphone sound-on-disc synchronized sound system. / The first full-sound color feature. / Full-sound film.
Comedy-Drama: Musical.
Survival status: Print exists [black & white version only].
Current rights holder: (unknown)
Keywords: African-Americans - Color cinematography - Synchronized sound film
Listing updated: 30 January 2023.
References: Basten-Technicolor pp. 41, 44, 170; Bohn-Light p. 194; Geduld-Birth p. 139; Limbacher-Feature p. 179; Null-Black p. 41; Shipman-Cinema p. 104.
Home video: DVD.