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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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National Red Cross Pageant
(1917) United States of America
B&W : Five reels
Directed by William Christy Cabanne (Christy Cabanne)

Cast: Edith Wynne Matthison [in prologue], Douglas Wood [Herald, Flemish episode], Ethel Barrymore [Flanders / Belgium, Flemish episode and Final episode], Kitty Gordon [Bruges, Flemish episode], Margaret Moreland [Ghent, Flemish episode], Adelaide Prince [Ypres, Flemish episode], Olive Tell [Louvain, Flemish episode], Irene Fenwick [Herald, Italian episode], Doctor Montgomery Irving [the Alps, Italian episode], Annette Kellerman [the Mediterranean, Italian episode], Josephine Drake [the Adriatic, Italian episode], Ethel McDonough [the leader of the lakes, Italian episode], Norman Trevor [Herald, English episode], George Backus [King John, English episode], Marjorie Wood [the queen, English episode], Maclyn Arbuckle (Macklyn Arbuckle) [Baron Fitz-Walter, English episode], Lumsden Hare [the Archbishop of Canterbury, English episode], Frank Keenan [the secretary, English episode], Frederick Truesdell [the Papal Legate, English episode], Mrs. Ben Ali Haggin [Dance, the Pavane, French episode], Clifton Webb [Dancer, the Pavane, French episode], Ben Ali Haggin [Dunois, Defender of France, French episode], Ina Claire [Jeanne d’Arc, French episode], Eugene O’Brien [Herald, French episode], Guy Favières [Charles VII, the Dauphin, French episode], John Barrymore [the tyrant, Russian episode], George F. Smithfield [the fugitive, Russian episode], Alice Fischer [Herald, Final episode], Howard Kyle [Justice, Final episode], Blanche Yurka [Truth, Final episode], Gladys Hanson [Liberty, Final episode], Tyrone Power [Servia, Final episode], E.H. Sothern [England, Final episode], Rita Jolivet [France, Final episode], Richard Bennett [Russia, Final episode], Michio Ito [Japan, Final episode], Marjorie Rambeau [America, Final episode], Lionel Barrymore, Hazel Dawn, Frances White, William T. Rock, Helen Ware, Mrs. H.P. Davison

National Red Cross Pageant Committee production. / Edited by Mildred Richter. / Released [?] December 1917? / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The production was shot on an open-air stage on 5 October 1917 at Rosemary Farm near Huntington, Long Island, New York.

All-star revue.

Survival status: The film is presumed lost.

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: USA: New York: Long Island: Huntington

Listing updated: 13 April 2020.

References: ClasIm-204 p. C16 : Website-IMDb.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  National Red Cross Pageant (1917)
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