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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Nat Pinkerton II
Also known as Nat Pinkerton; or, The Lost Child in the USA
(1909) Denmark
B&W : One reel
Directed by Viggo Larsen

Cast: Viggo Larsen [Nat Pinkerton]

Nordisk Films Kompagni production; distributed by Nordisk Films Kompagni. / Cinematography by Axel Graatkjær. / Released 14 March 1909. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in the USA by Great Northern Film Company on 28 April 1909.

Drama: Crime.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Sam Sander is a professional marriage swindler. We see him leaving his fiancée, the young and wealthy Miss Durban, and going to the wealthy widow, Mrs. Brown. He proposes to her and is accepted. Before he leaves his second fiancée her little son, Billy, passes them with his bicycle, just as Sam Sander and Miss Durban arc intimately greeting each other. As Sander sees that he is discovered, he goes to see a man named Fagin, who has before rendered him several services of an obscure nature, for which he pays him well. To get the unpleasant witness out of the way, some street urchins catch Billy in the street and take him to Fagin where he is detained. When Sander in the evening pays: a visit to Mrs. Brown, he finds her suffused with tears, because Billy has not yet come home. Sander promises to try and find the child. An hour later he comes back to Mrs. Brown, telling her that he has been unsuccessful. But now the unfortunate mother decides to go to the famous detective, Nat Pinkerton, and ask for his assistance. Fagin has noticed her going away, follows after, and sees her in the street speaking to Nat Pinkerton. He hurries home. There stands Nat Pinkerton cool and quiet. Tommy swings his cudgel against Nat Pinkerton, hut the detective stoops down quickly and catches hold of Tommy’s leg, thus pulling him to the ground, while he with a blow of his whistle, calls the policemen to his assistance. In a minute they have handcuffs put on the criminal and the boy is released. Billy is at once brought back to his mother and Nat Pinkerton and his assistant now try to catch the leader. But when they arrive at Sam Sander’s house, the criminal has disappeared. Nat Pinkerton succeeds in catching Sam Sander, just as he with revolver in hand tries to force Miss Durban to give up her money. As the rascal sees that everything is lost, he attempts to shoot Nat Pinkerton, but the assistant takes hold of his arm and holds him firmly so that the shot has no effect. Now, Nat Pinkerton’s work is finished, and with some friendly words to the heartbroken Miss Durban, he quietly leaves the room. This film, in which the plot is most exciting, although no crime has been committed, will surely prove a good drawer for any exhibitor.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: (unknown) [Denmark]; Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Nat Pinkerton - Law: Enforcement: Police: Detectives

Listing updated: 21 November 2022.

References: Mottram-Danish p. 46 : Website-IMDb.

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