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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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(1915) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by Francis Ford

Cast: Francis Ford [the chief of police], Grace Cunard [Nan Cooper], Eddie Polo [the detective], M. Clark (Edward Clark) [the 1st ward boss], Lew Short [the 2nd ward boss], Vic Goss (Victor Goss) [the 1st reporter], Mr. Leary (Nolan Leary) [the 2nd Reporter], Edith Phillips

The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated, production; distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated [Universal-101 Bison]. / Scenario by Grace Cunard. / Released 1 May 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / A film in the “My Lady Raffles” series.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? One of the chief difficulties encountered by the new Chief of Police, is the Red Light Abatement Act and a bunch of so-called “reformers,” who make things lively for the new chief. The chief orders the Red Light district closed. This act brings the new chief in conflict with one of the big ward bosses, who controls the Red Light district. The boss calls on the chief, expostulating at his action. Another ward boss who controls the rooming and eating houses also calls on the chief and the two make things pretty warm for the new chief. During the controversy, the chief loses his patience and knocks down the ward boss who controls the Red Light district. The head of the “reformers” is also a thorn in the chief’s side and he is continually wrangling with him. He has a wife and daughter who also seemingly takes a large part in the agitation against the new chief. The chief plans a raid on the places in order to show that he is doing his duty, and the plan gets to the ear of the ward boss, whom he has previously knocked down. He gets hold of the chief’s daughter and takes her by stealth to the house that is to be raided. The raid is pulled off according to schedule, but the chief’s daughter is befriended by Nan Cooper, an inmate of the house, and hidden in a waste paper can. Thus she is not taken with the crowd. The prisoners are taken to the station house and the ward boss tells the chief that he had better not have the prisoners charged with lawbreaking, as his own daughter is with the hunch. This is a hard blow to the chief, but he tells them that he will do his duty and if his daughter is caught with the others, she will have to suffer the consequences. The prisoners are accordingly brought in and great is the ward boss’s discomfiture when the girl is not found among the others. But a surprise is in store, for the daughter and wife of the chief “reformer” are brought in, having been captured in the raid. The story closes with the chief firmly seated in his new position. The girl of the underworld who had assisted his daughter is given a new chance, and the two ward bosses and offending “reformers” get their just deserts.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 29 March 2020.

References: Edmonds-BigU p. 42 : ClasIm-224 p. 43 : Website-IMDb.

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