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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Mystery of the Throne Room
(1915) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by Francis Ford

Cast: Grace Cunard [Queen Yvonne; and Lucille], Francis Ford [Hugo, the international spy], Harry Schumm [Captain Johns, Yvonne’s sweetheart], Wilbur Higby [Prince Frederick], Duke Worne [Prince Carlos]

The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated, production; distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated [Universal Gold Seal]. / Scenario by Grace Cunard. / Released 5 January 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Lucille, a young widow and protege of an American Duchess, is the guest of honor at one of the Duchess’ week-end parties. During the first day of the visit, Lucille recognizes an old acquaintance in the “international spy,” known to the Duchess and her friends as “Count Hugo.” While taking tea with the Duchess, Hugo is approached by Prince Frederick, who will fall heir to Queen Yvonne’s throne, should she refuse to marry the neighboring Prince Carlos on her twenty-first birthday, which is only ten days away. The Prince tells Hugo of Yvonne’s love for one of the young officers in her retinue, and of her expected refusal to carry out the wishes of her people and thereby save her country from falling into the hands of Prince Frederick. During their conversation Lucille sees them point to a limousine, stopping at the gate. The machine contains Prince Carlos’ couriers. Hiding behind a tree, Lucille overhears the couriers tell Prince Frederick that Queen Yvonne has not refused Prince Carlos but has asked a week to think it over, promising to signal her acceptance seven days from them, by a gun shot. Lucille later overhears Frederick plot with Hugo to kidnap Yvonne. He knows that, although she is a madcap and in love with the young officer, she will never sacrifice her people and country to the unscrupulous Frederick and that she will give the signal at the given time. Lucille determines to warn the queen and thwart the plans of Hugo and the Prince. She immediately starts out for the palace. Upon her arrival she watches her chance, and finding a side entrance open, tiptoes into the palace. In the meantime, the Prince and Hugo have arranged with Frederick’s man to kidnap the Queen and take her to Frederick’s shooting lodge, until after the day set for the wedding, by which time Frederick, will be on the throne. While Lucille is in the palace, Hugo’s men conclude their preparations to kidnap the queen. In the meantime, Hugo’s men kidnap the Queen in her garden without any of her people knowing she has even left the palace. Lucille is discovered in the throne room of the palace by Yvonne’s maids and is mistaken for the queen. Lucille tries to explain, but the maid, knowing of their queen’s mad-cap ways, think it is another of her pranks, and hurry her to her room. The next day Hugo visits the palace and is dumbfounded at meeting the Queen, as he believes Lucille to be. He sends word to Frederick that his men have failed to get the Queen away. The day the signal is to be given, Lucille sees Hugo trying to hide the pistol with which the signal is to be given. She accidentally discharges the weapon, thus giving the signal. The people waiting anxiously at the palace gates, cheer loudly when they hear the shot which signifies that their Queen will marry Prince Carlos and save them from Prince Frederick. Lucille, hearing the cheers, realizes what she has done and tries frantically to think of some way to escape from the palace and a consequent marriage with a crabbed old Prince, as she pictures Carlos to be. The day for the wedding arrives and Lucille, ill-dressed in the royal robes of Yvonne and prepared for the ceremony by her ladies-in-waiting. About the time Prince Carlos arrives at Yvonne’s palace, Yvonne escapes from the lodge. Carlos is presented to Lucille, who finds him to be a good-looking young man of pleasing personality. During the time before the ceremony, Lucille and Carlos become quite friendly, and don’t seem to mind the coming marriage, much to the despair of Yvonne’s sweetheart, who is nearly wild with jealousy. The Queen arrives at the palace and reaches the throne just as the prelate starts the ceremony. Confronting Frederick, she is dumbfounded at the sight of her double on the throne. Lucille explains why she is there and about Frederick’s plot against Yvonne. Frederick exits hurriedly, with Hugo, who at last recognizes Lucille. Carlos turns to Yvonne as Lucille exits to the window, where she meets Hugo, and laughs at him. After he leaves, she turns and looks sadly toward the Prince Carlos, who at that moment, is kissing Yvonne’s hand. The Prince, seeing Yvonne and her sweetheart exchange glances, realizes their love for one another and pledges their troth, by promising to pay the country’s debt himself and thus freeing Yvonne of the necessity of marrying against her will. Placing their hands together, he exits as the ceremony begins. Lucille, in the window, hears someone coming and, turning, finds Prince Hugo standing by her side. She smiles at him as he takes her hand.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 28 January 2025.

References: ClasIm-224 p. 43 : Website-IMDb.

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