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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  The Mosaic Law (1913)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Mosaic Law
(1913) United States of America
B&W : [?] Two or Three? reels
Directed by Thomas H. Ince

Cast: Francis Ford, Jack Conway, Anna Little (Ann Little), Robert Edeson, Ethel Grandin, Charles K. French, Hazel Buckham

New York Motion Picture Company production; distributed by Mutual Film Corporation [Kay-Bee]. / Produced by Thomas H. Ince. / Released 24 January 1913. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Drama: Western.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? A wagon train of emigrants is seen crossing the desert of the far west, and a sand storm arises. A terrific wind blows the hot sand in great gusts. The Indians escape death by burying themselves in the sand, but the emigrants, ignorant of such tactics, blindly stagger through the storm. The wagon of the Gordons becomes lost when they are separated from the main train, and morning finds them on the blazing desert with their oxen dead and with no water. Gordon, carrying his baby, and supporting his wife, gropes his way along until they fall exhausted. Mrs. Gordon in a dying condition. Before expiring she makes Gordon swear that he will guard the baby through life with his own life, if need be. Friendly Indians find Gordon and the baby, who are taken to the fort. Many years later Mildred Gordon and her father are living together, and Mildred is courted by a handsome Spaniard named Ramarez, who claims to be a wealthy man of leisure, but who is in reality a bandit. His former sweetheart, Fanchez, a Spanish girl, spies upon him and looking through the window sees an affectionate scene between Ramarez and Mildred, and her heart is filled with hate. Ramarez and his henchmen hold up the government special, carrying the pay of the soldiers, and a detachment is sent to hunt the bandits. Most of the gang are caught, but Ramarez eludes them, and rushing to the Gordon home persuades Mildred to elope with him. When Gordon finds the letter he has visions of the death-bed of his wife, and of his promise to guard Mildred with his life, and he solemnly swears to track down Ramarez. In a distant settlement Ramarez soon tires of Mildred, and she is horrified to learn his true nature. Weak and dispirited, the shock of being driven away by Ramarez is the last straw, and as she staggers blindly out in the streets she is found by her father, and, later, dies in his arms. With burning hate Gordon takes up the trail of his man, and finally meets him in the village hotel. In the meantime Indian rustlers have decided to change their diet to fresh mutton, and they make a raid. (This is a beautiful scene, thousands of sheep being shown.) In a fight with the shepherds a number of Indians are killed, and the tribe, in revenge, decides to raid the village. As Gordon holds his man at the point of his gun, while the astounded onlookers, gathering the reason therefore from Gordon’s words, refuse to interfere, the Indians swoop down upon the village, firing upon the houses. Gordon’s attention is distracted for a moment by the firing, and Ramarez takes advantage of the situation to leap into the cellar, and crawl through a small window, with Gordon in close pursuit. Ramarez takes to the hills, and a thrilling running duel is fought from behind hills and rocks, until finally Gordon brings Ramarez down.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 29 March 2020.

References: ClasIm-224 p. 42 : Website-IMDb.

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