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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Miss Mend
Мисс Менд

Also known as Gospodjica Mend in Yugoslavia : [The Adventures of Three Reporters]
(1926) Soviet Union
B&W : Serial / Three chapters / 17 reels
Directed by Fyodor Otsep and Boris Barnet

Cast: Natalya Glan [Vivian Mend], Igor Ilinskii [Tom Hopkins], Vladimir Fogel [Fogel], Boris Barnet [Barnet], Sergei Komarov [Tchitche], Ivan Koval-Samborskii [Arthur Stern; and Engineer Johnson], Natalya Rozenel [Elizabeth Stern], Mikhail Rozen-Sanin [Gordon Stern], Tatyana Mukhina [Kolka, a homeless child], P. Poltoratskiy (Pavel Poltoratskii) [the newspaper editor], Anel Sudakevich [a stenographer], Anna Sten [a typist], Mikhail Zharov

Mezhrabpom-Rus’ production. / Scenario by Boris Barnet, Fyodor Otsep and Vasili Sakhnovskii, from the novel Miss Mend by Marietta Shaginyan. Art direction by Vladimir E. Yegorov. Assistant director, [?] L. Tumanov and/or Boris Barnet? Cinematography by Evgenii Alekseyev. / Three chapters (17 reels total): [1] released 26 October 1926. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Comedy-Drama: Adventure.

Survival status: Print exists [35mm positive].

Current rights holder: (unknown)

Keywords: Serials

Listing updated: 1 May 2020.

References: Youngblood-Soviet pp. 78, 104, 111, 115, 152, 173, 180, 229, 270, 318 : Website-IMDb.

Home video: DVD.

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