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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Millionaire Paupers
(1915) United States of America
B&W : Feature film
Directed by Joseph de Grasse

Cast: Grace Thompson [Enid Burne-Smith], Gretchen Lederer [Mabel], Lon Chaney [Albert Martin, the landlord], Arthur Shirley [Allen Winthrop], Millard K. Wilson [George Rand], Olive Golden (Olive Carey), Marcia Moore, Miss Wilmer

Rex Film Company production; distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated. / Scenario by Ida May Park. / Released 26 October 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Mrs. Burne-Smith and Mrs. Winthrop have determined to make a match between their respective children regardless of the fact that the two in question have never seen each other. Mrs. Burne-Smith thinks by making the brilliant match with wealthy Allen Winthrop she will be enabled to pay off some of her pressing debts. Enid Burne-Smith has a mind of her own, and has often had thoughts of a handsome lover who would carry her off despite her protests. Naturally she does not fall in with her mother’s plans and it takes quite an argument before she is brought “in line.” Allen Winthrop has just returned from abroad and views with amusement the efforts of his mother to try and win him to assent to the matchmakers’ plans. He finally agrees to accompany his mother that night to the Burne-Smiths. Allen has received an anonymous letter stating that the agent who is in charge of one of his tenements is a crook. He decides to investigate the matter. Allen and his mother arrive at the Burne-Smiths and are delayed waiting for Enid She has flatly refused to meet Allen, and, after tying the maid up, makes her escape and finally ends up in a tenement house, where she gets rooms. The next day Allen disguises himself and secures rooms in his own tenement. This is the same place where Enid is staying, and she has become acquainted with Mabel and her sweetheart, George. Enid secures work and Mabel helps her. Every evening after work, the girls are met by their lovers and Enid sighs as she thinks she has no one to look after her. Enid notices that the landlord is familiar with Mabel and later finds that the girl has coaxed him to put off collecting the rent. With the rent money she has been buying clothes with which to get married. She and Allen meet several times and are mutually attracted. George has noticed Martin, the landlord, around Mabel, and has told her to “cut him off” her calling list. She tells of her indebtedness to him to Enid, and the latter pawns her last piece of jewelry to secure funds with which to release Mabel from the landlord’s clutches. Martin comes to the girl’s room and, while they are arguing, George and Allen come to the door demanding entrance. Mabel has refused to let Enid pay her rent and when she hears George at the door, she is frightened and persuades Martin to hide in the closet. George sees the money on the floor and is still suspicious. Martin then comes out of hiding, claims the money, and says that he bought the dresses for the girl. Enid, seeing that the love between George and Mabel is about to be broken up, takes all the blame and says the dresses are hers. George takes Mabel in his arms and tells her that she had better quit going with Enid. Allen is very much disappointed in the girl and leaves her. too. Enid then determines to return home and forget her little adventure. Allen places George in charge of his tenement, discharging Martin. Allen then tries in vain to find some trace of Enid. He and his mother are invited to the Burne-Smiths for dinner and he listlessly goes with her. The two mothers are delighted when Enid and Allen meet. The two stare at each other like long lost friends. The plans of the two matchmakers have been more than fulfilled, and as the story ends, Enid and Allen are planning their honeymoon.

Survival status: The film is presumed lost: A significantly damaged fragmentary print exists (approximately six minutes) [recovered in 1992 by Rusty Casselton].

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 15 May 2023.

References: Film viewing : Spehr-American p. 100; Weaver-Twenty p. 76 : Website-IMDb.

Home video: Blu-ray Disc, DVD.

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