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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Millionaire Engineer
(1915) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by George A. Lessey

Cast: King Baggot [Daniel Spencer], Arline Pretty [Maude Allyne], Frank Smith, Bessie Toner, Ned Reardon

Distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated. / From a story by Constance Brinsley. / Released 29 January 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The production was shot at the IMP studios in Fort Lee, New Jersey.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Daniel Spencer, a self-made man, has acquired a great fortune and is the president of a railroad. He has risen from the ranks and has in turn been fireman and engineer. He gives a reception to his wealthy neighbors in honor of his engagement to Maude Allyne, the daughter of a wealthy manufacturer. She is a fitting mate for Spencer. The gossips wonder how such dominating natures can mate, and predict that the wedding bells will never ring. For the night in question the discontented railroad employees hold a torchlight mass meeting in the village square. The festivities in the great mansion are interrupted by the wild cries. An orator points to the brilliantly lighted great house on the hill and denounces the greed of the president who feasts amid splendor while his employees starve in squalor. The railroad employees appoint a committee to lay their grievances before the president. A few apprehensive women follow the men and try to talk them out of the plan to strike if their demands are not acceded to. The dignified flunky is told by his master to admit the strikers. Their bullying manner arouses his ire, however, and Spencer refuses to treat with them. He defies them to strike. His sweetheart pleads for the men, but he tells her she does not understand business. She gives him back his ring and leaves him. Time passes and the strike is waged with bitterness on both sides. The fiancée acts as a Lady Bountiful to the starving strikers’ families and refuses to speak to Spencer, until he ends the strike. One day while Spencer is visiting the yard, news comes that a forest fire is in progress and unless help is brought to a far off orphan asylum they will be burned by the encircling fire. All refuse to run the engine through the flaming forest. The president volunteers. He brings the train safely through the fire and saves the children and other people. Spencer becomes reconciled with his fiancée and gives in to the strikers.

Reviews: [The Moving Picture World, 30 January 1915, page ?] A two-reel number, with King Baggot in the leading part. He plays the part of an engineer who has been made president of his road. The strike scenes are well handled and the photography is pleasing throughout. The story itself is a little obvious in plot. During a forest fire the president and his sweetheart run a train through the flames to save some children in a burning building.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Fires - Millionaires

Listing updated: 8 November 2022.

References: Edmonds-BigU pp. 48, 50 : Website-IMDb.

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