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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Meet Me at the Fountain
(1904) United States of America
B&W : 475 feet
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: Gilbert Saroni [Count Hardup]

Lubin Manufacturing Company production; distributed by Lubin Manufacturing Company. / © 5 November 1904 by Siegmund Lubin [H52508, H53414]. Released 5 November 1904. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The production was shot in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in October 1904. A remake of Biograph’s Personal (1904). The film uses lap dissolves between shots.


Synopsis: [From Lubin promotional materials] Count Hardup, recently arrived in this country, desires to marry an American heiress to better his finances. Reading the personal columns of the “New York Journal,” he decides to put an advertisement in the paper, reading as follows: “PERSONAL Young French Nobleman, recently arrived in this country, desires to meet handsome American girl. Object matrimony. Will be “At the Fountain” at 10 o’clock, wearing a Chrysanthemum Boutonniere.” Having written the advertisement, the Count goes out mailing the same to the newspaper office. Ten o’clock. We see the Count “At the Fountain,” waiting impatiently for the women to arrive in answer to his advertisement. A nurse-girl, pushing a baby cart. The Count, thinking this to be one of his lady admirers, addresses her, but meets with fierce repulse. A short time after, the women arrive. First one, then another, until a great number greets the happy Count. More and more women are coming, expressing their intention to marry the Count. As he cannot marry all the women, he decides to marry none of them, and tries to run away. The girls do not intend to let the Count escape unmarried. They chase after him and almost catch him, when he falls down. Looking backward in his flight, the Count tumbles over a bench. He quickly arises and a most lively chase ensues. Now he jumps on a passing street car, but there is no escape. The women follow the car. A most laughable scene. Another station. The car stops. The Count alights, happy that he escaped his pursuers. But he made a mistake in his calculations. The women are there and run after him, to the great delight of the audience. The next obstacle is a high fence. The Count vaults the same, closely followed by the chasing women. Up hill and down hill the Count in the lead, the girls in pursuit. Indeed a funny chase. The Count stands suddenly before a steep grade. There is a step upon which he might escape. He quickly runs up, falls, slides down, almost in the hands of the fair pursuers. Seeing no possibility of escape, the Count hides upon a tree. But all in vain. In his endeavor to escape, the Count meets a high stone wall. He jumps over, thinking this to be his means of escape, but the girls follow. The end of the road. Water to the left, water to the right, water in front and behind him the women. In his anxiety to escape, the Count jumps in the water, thinking the women would not dare to follow. But two old maids, determined to get a husband, jump after him. The victor and the victim. The funniest love scene ever witnessed.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 12 April 2024.

References: Leyda-Before pp. 42, 47, 49, 81, 115; Musser-Emerge p. 2; Robinson-Palace p. 122 : Website-AFI.

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