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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Measure of a Man
(1915) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by Joseph de Grasse

Cast: William C. Dowlan [Bob Brandt], Pauline Bush [Helen MacDermott], Joseph de Grasse [Jim Stuart], Lon Chaney [Donald MacDermott]

Rex Film Company production; distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated. / From a screen story by Tom Forman. / Released 28 January 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / A different film from The Measure of a Man (1916).

Drama: Northwoods.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Helen MacDermott, daughter of the Factor at Bear Lake, has been carefully and religiously brought up by her widowed father. Bob Brandt, a dashing young gambler and adventurer, stops at Bear Lake in his wanderings, and having occasion to visit the post to buy supplies, he becomes acquainted with Helen. She quickly surrenders to his charms and he, taking advantage of her innocence, persuades her to elope with him in the face of her father’s opposition. Six months later, happily married to her, (as she thinks) good and honest young husband, Helen is rudely awakened by a delegation of the Vigilant Committee, who roughly give her husband orders to move his operations to some other locality. Helen then learns that her hero is nothing more nor less than a gambler and swindler. Having a deep loathing for divorce, and too proud to return to her father, Helen continues as Bob’s wife. A month later after the Vigilante episode, while wandering about the country, Bob accidentally shoots himself in the shoulder. Jim Stuart, a lieutenant in the Northwest Mounted Police, finds Bob and Helen and takes them to his quarters, where he cares for the injured man until he is well again. A warm friendship develops among the three and Jim secures a place on the force for Bob. Soon Jim discovers he is slowly falling in love with his friend’s wife, and, try as he will, he cannot still the cravings of his heart. Seeing the disgrace he is sure to bring upon himself by some day losing his self-control and declaring his love, he resigns from the service and goes away without saying good-bye to Helen. A few days later, Helen, who has been keeping a diary which Bob has never seen, is suddenly called from the house, and leaves the diary lying open on the table. Entering a few minutes later, Bob sees the diary and reads in it a confession of Helen’s love for Jim. Bob realizes that his wife’s love is lost to him, and he determines to bring Jim hack so that she may gather a few scattered fragments of happiness. Acting upon his resolution, Bob tracks Jim down and forces him to return to the post with him. There he explains the situation and wishing them all happiness, rushes down to the river. Brought face to face with the cold proposition and realizing the great sacrifice Bob has made for her, Helen is swept from her feet by the return of her old love, and the decision that he is after all, the better man. She rushes from the house, just in time to save Bob’s life from a would-be Indian murderer and throwing herself into his arms, asks and receives forgiveness.

Reviews: [The Moving Picture World, 30 January 1915, page ?] A two-reel story of the Northwest, following somewhat in the style of previous offerings along this line. The girl marries a gambler and later falls in love with a young officer. The gambler, who has his good points, decides to make the supreme sacrifice by giving his wife to the other, but at the last moment her love returns to him. Pauline Bush and Wm. Dowlin play the leads in this. The ptory has numerous tense moments and is well photographed throughout.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Gamblers

Listing updated: 2 November 2022.

References: Edmonds-BigU pp. 50, 72, 83; Spehr-American p. 100; Weaver-Twenty p. 76 : Website-IMDb.

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