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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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  Frame enlargement: courtesy The Serial Squadron.
The Masked Rider
Also known as {The Masked Raider}
(1919) United States of America
B&W : Serial / 15 chapters / [?] 28 or 30? reels
Directed by Aubrey M. Kennedy

Cast: Ruth Stonehouse [Ruth Chadwick], Paul Panzer [Pancho], Harry C. Myers [Harry Burrel], Edna Holland [Juanita, Pancho’s daughter], Marie Treador [Ma Chadwick, Ruth’s mother], Blanche Gillespie [Blanche Burrel, Harry’s younger sister], Robert Taber [Santas, Pancho’s lieutenant], Jack Chapman [Captain Jack Hathaway of the Texas Rangers], Boris Karloff [the threatening Mexican in saloon (chapter 2)], George Murdock, George Cravy

[?] William Steiner Productions, Incorporated or Shamrock Photoplay Corporation? production; distributed on State Rights basis by Arrow Film Corporation. / Executive producer, Patrick Sylvester McGeeney. Produced by William Steiner. Scenario by Aubrey M. Kennedy. Grip, Thomas McGeeney. Gaffer, Jack Mcgeeney. Cinematography by Jacob A. Badaracco and Arthur Boeger. Presented by William Steiner. / 15 chapters (two reels each): [1] “The Hole in the Wall,” released 7 May 1919; [2] “In the Hands of Pancho,” released 14 May 1919; [3] “The Capture of Juanita,” released 21 May 1919; [4] “The Kiss of Hate,” released 28 May 1919; [5] “The Death Trap,” released 4 June 1919; [6] “Pancho Plans Revenge,” released 11 June 1919; [7] “The Fight on the Dam,” released 18 June 1919; [8] “The Conspirators Foiled,” released 25 June 1919; [9] “The Exchange of Prisoners,” released 2 July 1919; [10] “Harry’s Perilous Leap,” released 9 July 1919; [11] “To the Rescue,” released 16 July 1919; [12] “The Impostor,” released 23 July 1919; [13] “Coals of Fire,” released 30 July 1919; [14] “In the Desert’s Grip,” released 6 August 1919; [15] “Retribution,” released 13 August 1919. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. Color-toned. / The production was shot at Mission San Jose in San Antonio, Castroville and Bandera, Texas, and Coahuíla, Mexico. Karloff’s earliest surviving film appearance. The Serial Squadron purchased a surviving color-toned 35mm nitrate print from the estate of a former Philadelphia projectionist in September 2003; they list the total number of released reels as 28 (not 30) [?] — indicating the number of surviving reels?

Drama: Western.

Survival status: Print exists in the film holdings of The Serial Squadron [35mm nitrate color-toned positive (incomplete, missing chapter 1, which remains presumed lost, the conclusion of chapter 3, and the majority of chapter 11; chapters 3, 10, and 13-15 are missing a reel)].

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Mexicans - Mexico - Serials

Listing updated: 1 May 2020.

References: Lahue-Continued pp. 196, 286; Nollen-Karloff p. 349 : ClasIm-226 p. 43 : Website-IMDb; Website-SerSq.

Home video: DVD.

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