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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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The Man of Shame
(1915) United States of America
B&W : Five reels
Directed by Harry C. Myers

Cast: Wilton Lackaye [Roger Larogue / Louversan], Harry C. Myers [Lieutenant Du Fresne], Rosemary Theby [Julia], Evelyn Dubois [Marie Greville], Victor Lewis [Lucien De Norville], Franklin Paul [Monsigneur Greville], Katherine Mendel [Jeanne Laroque], Louis Leon Hall [Monsieur Gerber], Count De Vassey [the warden], Joel Day [Death]

The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated, production; distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated [A Broadway Universal Feature]. / Scenario by M.B. Havey (Maie B. Havey), from the novel The Shadow of Roger Laroque by Jules Mary. Set decoration by Harry C. Myers. Costume design by Jean Ceillie. Props by Frank G. Beresford. Location managers, Harry C. Myers and Frank G. Beresford. Cinematography by Ed Wynard (Edward Wynard). Music score arrangement by M. Winkler. / © 29 September 1915 by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated [LP6506]. Released 11 October 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.

Drama: Historical.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Roger and Luvesan have a quarrel over cards and arrange to fight a duel at dawn. In the duel Luvesan loses two fingers. Having been made an outcast by his brother officers he hates Roger for it and vows vengeance on him. Roger returns to Paris, where he meets Julia, an adventuress. He falls in love with her, and then Roger is called to the front. There his life is saved by one Lucien de Noirville. On their way to Paris, Roger is invited to Lucien’s home and discovers that Julia is Lucien’s wife. Out of duty to Lucien, Roger severs his friendship with Julia, who becomes resentful. Roger visits his uncle’s country home and falls in love with Marie, the ward of his relation. Julia hears of the coming wedding of Roger and Marie and is furious. Seven years pass. Roger and Marie have a child, a girl of five. Roger is a devoted husband. Julia has made several attempts to win him back, but so far has failed. Roger is a banker. He holds a large sum in trust for a rich man, Gerbier. Luvesan is constantly writing Gerbier that Roger’s bank is in trouble. Luvesan and Gerbier meet. Luvesan shows Gerbier that he has drawn all his money from the bank and urges Gerbier to do likewise. Gerbier begins to think there is some truth in these rumors and goes to Roger to get his money. Just before this incident Julia has visited Roger and asks him to advance her 100,000 francs. When he refuses, she claims she will be arrested for her debts, and so, more for Lucien’s sake than for hers he gives her the loan and leaves his bank in difficulties. When Gerbier asks for his money Roger cannot pay it. Gerbier demands it by the next day. Luvesan visits Julia and unfolds a plan to take 100,000 francs from Gerbier's safe, have Julia return them to Roger and then await results. Luvesan steals into Gerbier’s home intent upon robbing. The old man makes a hard fight to save his gold, and in the struggle is killed. The child, Suzanne, sees all this from the balcony, and the wife is convinced of her husband’s guilt when Roger gets money the next day. Letters found on Gerbier, asking him to wait for his money, lead to Roger’s arrest. Lucien defends Roger at the trial, and dies suddenly from the shock on hearing that the money Roger received was sent to him by Julia. The child is called upon to testify. Believing that she is helping her father, she persists in saying that she neither heard nor saw anything of the murder, and the mother is too ill to appear. Thus Roger is sentenced to life imprisonment. Marie visits Roger in jail and sees Luvesan lurking in the neighborhood of the prison. She is impressed with his striking resemblance to her husband and concludes that he is the real murderer. Tristot, an old political friend, gets Roger out of jail at midnight and has a horse waiting to take him to an ocean steamer, where his wife is waiting with Suzanne to say farewell. She tells him of Luvesan, and Roger realizes that Luvesan, his old enemy, is the real criminal and refuses to leave the country, determined he will stay and prove his innocence. To prevent this Luvesan puts the police on his track as an escaped convict. Roger overhears a conversation between Luvesan and Julia and sends for her to visit him at his place of hiding. Julia goes there, believing that he wishes to renew his former love affair. Roger tries to get her to confess and she breaks down and tells him all. Luvesan, who has tracked Roger, arrives ahead of the police, breaks in and covers Roger with a revolver. Julia, fearing for the man she loves, gets between, grabs at the gun. It goes off. She is shot as the police enter. She tells all, vindicates Roger and accuses Luvesan. The police, noting that Luvesan wants to run away, catch him. Julia dies, begging forgiveness. Luvesan is sent to jail, while Roger returns to his family.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 12 December 2024.

References: Hirschhorn-Universal p. 19; Tarbox-Lost p. 254 : Website-AFI; Website-IMDb.

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